View Full Version : Case study of the 1903A1 Unertl Snipers, looking for rifles.

11-19-2015, 04:50
There are several of us now that are doing a case study of the 03A1 Unertl Snipers. We have 7 real rifles now between us, and they are almost all identical in the features.

We are looking for more rifles to compare, to just reinforce this research. If you have a real rifle and want to be part of the study, please PM me. If you do participate, you will be privy to all research we have already conducted over the past year and a lot of it is new. Also all rifles seem to help authenticate each other because they are all basically the same, so it's a great way to help authenticate your rifle even further.

If you have a real rifle and want to participate please let me know.

Thanks guys.

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
11-21-2015, 10:23
They should be nearly identical. Someone on the 03 forum has a definitive collection of SN's, and I have a few (10-20). I think I remember who it is, but I will let him speak for himself. I also know someone who has a list of all (100%) the Unertl's used in RVN, and the rifles too. Email me and we will discuss the issue.
