View Full Version : F/S Pre 1910, 1903 Springfield stock

12-19-2015, 03:58
Almost impossible to find on the loose, a 1903 RIA one bolt stock, that is still is in it's pre 1910 high wood configuration and with no cut out for the wooden parts container in the butt which was added post 1910 .
It would be a nice replacement for any early pre 1910 rifle that had been upgraded with an in-correct later two bolt stock. There is a faint cartouche on the wrist and you can just barely/faintly make out a 19 and the last number looks like half of an 8. Which would make it 1908 and which would be correct for the early pre 1910 configuration. It has the large RIA letter "S" stamped on the fore end. The stock is in about VG condt except for a gouge in the wood in front of the TG. $325.00, plus actual postage and insurance. US sales only, Thanks. Ray


12-19-2015, 04:00

12-26-2015, 06:42
How about $300 plus postage, Ray

Rick the Librarian
01-01-2016, 06:53
You caught me at a "cash poor" time. I need one for a RIA I have.

01-01-2016, 08:51
Ray, do my eyes deceive me? Is this a left handed stock? Was not aware a 1903 could be had left handed.


01-02-2016, 12:10
John, that cut out is for the magazine cartridge cutoff lever which is on the left side, it's not a bolt notch. Ray