View Full Version : The Wizard

12-28-2015, 12:48
Learned from another chat board that Steve Moeller, aka The Wizard, passed away last week. Steve was unequaled in ability to refinish the M1911 and other collectible firearms. He rivaled the well known and respected, Bill Adair with his workmanship.
Steve was ever courteous and professional. He was a friend who always took the time to explain issues I couldn't understand. He was terribly weak when he finished a Battleship Navy M1911 for me, It was a wreck without the Government markings as well. It may have been his last work as he had removed his telephone number for his business. RIP Steve, the Wizard, Moeller.

12-28-2015, 03:23
RIP. The true craftsmen are too soon departed. Trouble is that there is no one to take their place.