View Full Version : Nice Sportized M1922 M2
I can across this Springfield M1922 M2 today. It is obviously sporterized, but well done. It is a consignment gun and the owner says it was an arsenal refurnished gun to this condition. Any thoughts on it and it's value. It is priced $1200.00.
12-30-2015, 04:15
I think for $1,200 +/-, you can likely find one in all GI trim if that is what you are after.
The missing Lyman sight, addition of the buckhorn rear sight, missing magazine, stock carving and the polishing, bluing job and jeweling are all minuses if an all GI rifle is what you are after.
12-31-2015, 06:11
While there are some of these 22's that have been sporterized tastefully, this is not one of them. Top price for the nice ones is around $1000 in my opinion.
Thanks for your input.
It does have one mag. Shop removed it so it would not get lost. So was this rifle an early 1922 M1 that was converted to an M2 before being sporterized?
12-31-2015, 07:16
As best I can read the receiver marking it is a 1922MII. There is probably a B suffix added to the serial number. This rifle was manufactured as a 1922 M1 then upgraded to 1922MII by replacing the bolt, magazine and stock with the M2 type.
I would not described it as sporterized as all that has been done to it is replacement of the rear sight with an open sight and the metal reblued. I agree with kragrifle that the rifle has not been tastefully modified. kragrifle is generous with his estimate of the value of the rifle.
The SN is 737B. I thought it was an R suffix, because part of the B did not imprint properly. Is it worth $800.00 if it shoots well and I put it in a nicer stock? Or, is it worth trying to restore. It appears that all it needs is a barrel, front sight and the Lyman rear sight. The receiver will still be polished, but everything else appears OK.
01-01-2016, 06:58
No. Save your money and buy an original rifle. They shoot better and should (hopefully, unless the Democrats disarm us) appreciate in value.
01-11-2016, 09:12
" Is it worth $800.00 if it shoots well and I put it in a nicer stock? Or, is it worth trying to restore. It appears that all it needs is a barrel, front sight and the Lyman rear sight. The receiver will still be polished, but everything else appears OK.""
Barrel, $2-300 if you can find one, correct sights look on ebay for some sticker shock, nicer stock $$$, when you add it all up with the 800 purchase price you are way over what a correct M2 would cost if you wait till a good one comes along, and if you do this rifle you still have the blued rec. & TG
A new stock, proper Lyman sight, barrel, etc., would cost another fortune! That blue & polish job ruined it, in my opinion, ugh! And it sure was not "arsenal" done. I would not pay 500 for it
the way it stands!
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