View Full Version : Price check on AA rebuild M1911 and impact on CMP M1911s on price
12-31-2015, 06:59
Good Evening all,
I stumbled on a new gun store and mentioned my interest in old milsurps. He pulls out a Augusta Arsenal rebuilt M1911 (not A1). It has a Colt frame, Springfield Slide and another manufacturer barrel, so clearly a typical mixmaster arsenal rebuild (which I like personally). It looks untouched since rebuild. It is parkerized, obviously, has straight mainspring housing, M1911 style hammer. The serial number was six-digit, I want to say in the 600,000 range (1919?). I wasn't able to take photos but he is asking $850. I believe that to be an "ok" but not great price for such a pistol but I haven't been in the market for an M1911 so may be way off. Any help is appreciated. I apologize for no photos.
Secondly, does anyone have an inkling on what the influx of new CMP M1911s will be on prices, both current market and the CMPs asking prices? I can't imagine prices will drop too much for those already out there. I also suspect the "rare" "matching" etc pistols will be auctioned and the rest will be "graded" and priced differently but are there any ideas on what the lowest grade prices will be? $500? $1000? $200? I doubt it will be at the $200 range (but I can dream) but since M1s are still available at the $600-ish range I would hope they would be in the realm of "bargain."
Anyway, Happy New Year all and any help is appreciated!
Good Evening all,
Secondly, does anyone have an inkling on what the influx of new CMP M1911s will be on prices, both current market and the CMPs asking prices? I can't imagine prices will drop too much for those already out there. I also suspect the "rare" "matching" etc pistols will be auctioned and the rest will be "graded" and priced differently but are there any ideas on what the lowest grade prices will be? $500? $1000? $200? I doubt it will be at the $200 range (but I can dream) but since M1s are still available at the $600-ish range I would hope they would be in the realm of "bargain."
This is the only SWAG I have seen.
Based on the market prices, the CMP’s pricing history and the the increase of supply that these pistols will bring to the market, my guesstimate pricing for CMP 1911 pistols are:
Grade Price
CMP Rack Grade 1911 Price – *
CMP Field Grade 1911 Price $750
CMP Service Grade 1911 Price $850
CMP Special Grade 1911 Price $1100
Other ** $1800 +
01-01-2016, 07:54
Thanks gwp. That sounds about right and fair I would say, I guess we will just have to wait and see! I suspect there will be no "softening" of the market even when they do arrive. Having CMP provenance will be worth the wait I suspect for value down the road.
Any thoughts on the Augusta Arsenal rebuild I mentioned?
Happy New Year all!
CMP no longer is in business to "promote marksmanship" in the population and has not been for a long time. Its all about money now, and some big salaries I imagine. Get their goods for nothing, have 'volunteers' do the work. and sell for market price? which only collectors will pay or can afford? The Army may just as well sell them on the open market or a wholesaler and buy another tank or something! Sorry but I do not worship at the CMP alter!
Viking Guy
01-01-2016, 10:47
A buddy of mine picked up an AA very much as you describe in a small rural pawn shop about ten years ago and I believe he paid around $650-$700 at that time. Of course that was some time ago and prices vary from region to region.
01-01-2016, 01:12
Usually the straight up armory rebuilds are $1000 to $1200 in my area. So I think it's a decent deal.
01-01-2016, 02:48
Thank you all! I appreciate the help for both questions!
Pics would help. If it's tight and barrel is good it's a OK price. You could see if they will take $800.00 cash out the door. Doesn't hurt to try.
Krag Fan
01-01-2016, 03:37
I picked up an AA rebuild last year for $850. 1911 Colt frame and slide, worn but serviceable WWII barrel, mostly all correct Colt parts, including trigger, period wood grips, no mag. pretty good condition, frame as obviously a little rough before parkerizing, its not the smoothest finish. 416XXX s/n
Will be looking forward to seeing the 1911's at CMP. Price? May be to much for me. But, CMP has been one of the best things to ever happen for promoting civilian marksmanship and bringing young people into the shooting sports. It's expensive. For a lot of folks, the economy is flat or depressed which puts a real damper on things. If I can afford to buy a pistol from the CMP, I will. But otherwise I'll just have to stand aside. It's like when the carbines were being sold. I just didn't have the money. To bad. Would have liked to have had a nice carbine. Sincerely. bruce.
01-01-2016, 06:33
I am glad I got my M1 when I did back in 1999. It was a Service Grade (before they had all these other grades). I ordered it, they said don't ask for anything specific but I went ahead and asked for a WW2 vintage, nothing more. I got a gorgeous (but clearly used...which I prefer) March 45 (barrel date matches SN) lock bar, milled trigger housing in a beautiful tiger stripe stock. Even has the indentations where a G.I. seated the bullets in his enbloc clip. I paid $500. I'm guessing it is a $1200-ish rifle now. So, even if the M1911/A1s are in the above mentioned range I think it will be worth getting because they will only go higher.
As to the one I am looking at it was very tight but it too looked like the surface wasn't great prior to parkerizing. The bakelite grips, in fact the whole thing, looks absolutely arsenal new. I'll try and get some photos if I can.
Major Tom
01-02-2016, 06:16
Yeah CMP is into selling now. It used to be long ago that a person had to belong to a "marksmanship program" to qualify for buying. Now, if you belong to Garand collectors association that's all the documentation you need. Most went that route.
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