01-10-2016, 10:57
Offered for sale is Beautiful condition No4 Mk 1 T sniper rifle with original scope, original scope mount and original scope carrier tin. No reproductions here. The rifle is a BSA Shirley M47c marked 1944 manufactured piece with matching numbers on the receiver, bolt and fore stock. It is well marked with the S51 code for Holland and Holland conversion to sniper configuration and TR showing that it met the high standards for accuracy for sniper conversion at the factory. The rifle has the correct modified rear sight, added cheek piece, and has a perfect bore. The rear action still has a lot of old grease around the rear sight and stock line. The stock itself is largely free of dent and is in great condition. The rear stock flat does not show a scope number.
The scope is a No 32 Mk 3 by Cooke, Troughton & Simms, and the knobs turn freely. CROSSHAIRS ARE PERFECT.
The mount or bracket is nicely marked N92 (Daglish) and the scope rings are correctly numbered. The bracket carries a rifle serial number that matched the tin number so that is a matching set, but it does not match the rifle. This is normal as rifles and scopes were separated and stored separately when imported into the US.
THe scope carrier or tin is an original No8 Mk 1 with the rounded corners. It carries the scope and bracket numbers inside and outside.
This British sniper rig is about as nice as you will find these days. The price is $3550 shipped to your FFL in the lower 48.
This ad is cross posted in several forums. The first I will take it by date stamp gets it.
The scope is a No 32 Mk 3 by Cooke, Troughton & Simms, and the knobs turn freely. CROSSHAIRS ARE PERFECT.
The mount or bracket is nicely marked N92 (Daglish) and the scope rings are correctly numbered. The bracket carries a rifle serial number that matched the tin number so that is a matching set, but it does not match the rifle. This is normal as rifles and scopes were separated and stored separately when imported into the US.
THe scope carrier or tin is an original No8 Mk 1 with the rounded corners. It carries the scope and bracket numbers inside and outside.
This British sniper rig is about as nice as you will find these days. The price is $3550 shipped to your FFL in the lower 48.
This ad is cross posted in several forums. The first I will take it by date stamp gets it.