View Full Version : Looking For Info On M1 Barrel Maker

01-21-2016, 05:22
This is a long shot, no pun intended. But I figure this is the place to ask. Was talking with an older friend about barrels and he was remembering some he had used in the 80s/90s that came from a company in Moorpark, CA. He said they were excellent but the company closed down. He cannot remember the company name and to make it even more interesting he thought that the barrels were not marked with the company name. His only other memories were that the machinery from the Moorpark company might have been purchased by a company that set up in Orange, CA and then eventually sold to a company in Texas.

Did some internet searching but can't get anything with the little info available. It is just a little thing, but it is really bothering him on several levels. Thanks in advance for any help.

01-21-2016, 07:06
There's some info here at posts 6 and 8


01-21-2016, 07:16

01-22-2016, 07:19
Citadel, they also supplied M1 Garand barrels to Century Arms Inc. when they were refurbishing Korean imports in the mid 1990's.

01-22-2016, 03:46
garandeguy10, StockDoc and rkohut- Thank you very much for the replies. I did not expect that it would be solved so quickly although I was sure an answer would be provided by the group here. Citadel was the company he was thinking of.