View Full Version : Primer for 50 cal.

Major Tom
01-22-2016, 07:16
I was looking at some 50 cal. rounds and saw that their primers are huge. Where would I get primers for the 50 cal.?

01-22-2016, 07:34
Due to lack of demand most gun shops do not stock them. They can be bought from dealers on GB or reloading companies such as Pats. They are expensive compared to standard primers.




01-22-2016, 09:15
Years ago I looked at buying a .50 cal Barrett. When I looked at the cost of reloading, supplies and tools, I decided not to buy it

Jim in Salt Lake
01-22-2016, 10:21
Plus, where are you going to shoot it? It kills me when I go to an indoor range and see someone rent a .50 Barrett and buy a couple of rounds at $12 each to shoot at 25 yards. If you're smart, when you see that happen, it's good to leave the range while they shoot, muzzle blast is pretty awesome inside a building. Got a brother in South Carolina, we went to SHOT a few years back and he was convinced he needed a .50 Barrett. I asked him where he could shoot it back home? At that time, he would have to go to NC to get a 600 yard range and the closest 1000 yard range was several states away. He went .308 and has been happy with that choice. He's been out to Utah a couple of times and shot at 1000 yards with me. If he "needs" more, there's always .300 Win Mag. My next long range rifle is going to be a 6mmBR. The big boomer .50 may be fun but you don't have to go there to shoot long range. .338 Lapua isn't far behind it in ammo cost either.

01-22-2016, 12:43
I've seen .50 caliber mil-spec primers at Cabelas. You can also get them at Vender's Row at Camp Perry during Nationals week every year.

01-22-2016, 02:20
Neighbor has a .50 of some kind. He also has bowling ball cannon. I'd rather have a catapult. Launch SUVs, with the females still yacking on their phones.

01-22-2016, 03:54
Smith I know has a 1000 yd range and his buddy a 1600 yd range but they are private and about 2 hours away from me.

01-22-2016, 04:14
When I got mine I was still working at the refinery where we had our own gun club/shooting range. There, you could shoot anything you wanted. No one saw you, no one could hear you unless they were at the range with you. I'm retired now and the refinery is an hour away so I won't be going there. Most of the local shooting ranges do not allow 50 cal's because the bullets tear up the dirt berms. One that is fairly close by allows them on one day a week before the other shooters get there so that's not real convenient either. Where I live I could just go out the back door and blast away but people have moved into my area close enough where I don't want them to hear and know that I have one. I used to go shooting with my brother but he is battling cancer and a semi helpless wife so our shoots together are gone. I'll get around to using it one day I guess, maybe I'll kill some ants with it. Meanwhile I have it and always wanted one. Have some loaded ammo, bullets of different types, powder, brass and a 50cal Lee press kit. It's kind of like the guitars I have, I don't play them, wasn't ever very good at playing but I sure do like to look at them. The difference is our government isn't scared of my guitars, I'll have them forever.