View Full Version : 1903 ladder sights info

Richard H Brown Jr
01-24-2016, 09:30

Whilst I posted my finding and buying a 1903 yesterday, while cleaning it, and looking at the markings or lack of, I decided after looking at my e-copies of the manuals for the 1903, that there wasn't much information on how the rear sight was utilized. So after a few false starts in web searches I found this posting and thought it might be of some use to us neophytes and old timers in using the sights of a stock 1903.


34026 If I managed to do this right, this is a pix of my 03's rear sight, if you look closely enough, the volley sight 'U' is missing on the top cross bar of the sight ladder.

Hope this is interesting.


01-24-2016, 01:14
Thats probably one of the best write up on the sight Ive seen. Thanks for posting.

Your sight is fine. The volley notch was dispensed with at some point in time.

Allen Humphrey
01-24-2016, 05:37
According to the Vi-Shooter page, the volley notch was eliminated in early 1918. Glad you found the M1905 sight document useful. There is one for the 03A3 as well.


01-26-2016, 08:38
Better check again. I think the top notch was used at least into the end of 1918.

Allen Humphrey
01-26-2016, 02:47
Fred, depending on how you interpret the Vi-shooter data and associated dates you could be correct. There is also likely a difference between "end of production" and "end of inventory". Even if the change order to eliminate the notch was approved Jan 1, I would expect a fuzzy transition due to WIP and existing inventory. In this particular case of the ladder sight that is prone to damage, significant inventory was likely available (some speculation on my part for sure) for much if not most of 1918. That would make your assertion very plausible.