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I have not sold/shipped a Garand in long time and shipping appears to have really tightened up. I sold a Garand to a private individual who had his FFL send his FFL form to me for shipping from me. Went to FEDEX as always have done with box addressed to FFL. FedEx says $53 with insurance/signature required (sounds OK). Then said must go priority so cost is $155. Then contacted UPS by phone who said they require Air shipping (think big $). They said I should get the FFL to send one of his shipping labels to put on box. They also said I as a private person cannot send to FFL- news to me as I have done this in past. Any advise? THANKS
Go the USPS (post office). It will be cheaper and no rip-off charges. FedEx used to charge for 'over nite air' for pistols, now they have added rifles? Insurance is also much cheaper with PO. All those rules are FedEx's not the Government! I did have trouble once with Kentuc. or Tenn., the dealer would not accept shipment w/o FFL from my end. A state rule I was told. As the buyer never informed me of this I told him it was his problem, not mine, his FFL already had the gun and I was not going to pay 25.00 to my dealer for FFL.
This BS is why I no longer make occasional sales on the internet!
It's only going to get worse until mama jamma is out of office. Should the hildabeast get elected she will probably put O'mamma jamma on the SCOTUS and then we're toast.
01-29-2016, 03:48
The OP sounds suspiciously like a troll. Everything he said is so far from reality that it seems to have been fabricated. Either that or he lives in a city where both UPS and FedEx are completely unfamiliar with the rules.
Major Tom
01-31-2016, 05:58
USPS is best! I have shipped firearms all over the U.S. The FFL goes inside the box, Shipping label to FFL holder's address. Buy plenty of insurance and signature requiered. DO NOT put anything on outside of box identifying contents as a firearm.
The OP sounds suspiciously like a troll. Everything he said is so far from reality that it seems to have been fabricated. Either that or he lives in a city where both UPS and FedEx are completely unfamiliar with the rules.
When was the last time you dealt with FedEx? 4-5 years ago during ammo shortage I sent my a box of .380 ammo. Cost me 28 dollars, MI to GA. (Post Office will not accept ammo or pistols.) HasMat, air, and shipping cost! They make there own rules and I do not think they give a sh*t about guns, just an opportunity to rip people off!!
01-31-2016, 09:05
A licensed dealer can send pistols through the PO with the proper declaration form presented at time of shipping. You have to ask the clerk for the form or go to the PO web site. The minimum insurance required for a signature is now $500, up from $300 a few months ago.
01-31-2016, 09:14
I deal with both UPS and FedEx regularly. I'm a cartridge collector and have accounts at both places.
Whether it's one cartridge or a box of cartridges, the rates are the same. Depends on the distance and the weight and size of the box. Both have a minimum charge plus extra costs if shipping to a residence.
If FedEx charged you HAZMAT, they got to you. Also, ammunition cannot go by Air, so they got to you again. You need to find a different hub.
Not all UPS and/or FedEx hubs make their own rules and don't care about their customers. And not all of them are out to rip people off. You've obviously had some bad experiences. Shop around. I live in a dinky one-horse town and I can find several hubs within easy driving distance of my house. I use the ones that give good service. It helps to live in a gun-friendly State and town.
Ted Brown
01-31-2016, 10:43
I have found on a couple of occasions that Fed Ex and UPS don't know or understand their own rules. Go back and ask them to give you a printed copy of their rules for shipping firearms. Some of their managers don't have a clue. Keep in mind too that some of their offices are independent businesses who don't want to handle firearms and make up their own rules. It's kind of a challenge to get them in line.
The postmaster sometimes interprets the rules to there own liking. I have three USPS offices in fairly close proximity to my house. At the first P.O. I went to the clerk was not sure what to do and called in a female postmaster. She read the rules and asked me if the rifle was loaded. I replied that it was empty. She asked "How do I know that" and told me I would have to open the package so she could inspect it and be sure the rifle wasn't loaded. I said "forget it" and went to another P.O. Shipped without any problems.
02-06-2016, 10:37
I had a problem a few years ago. I bought a Garand from a young lady in Texas, a medium size city, Dallas. I have a C&R. UPS would not let her ship the rifle. So she went to a 01FFL to ship, they still would not ship the rifle. The shift supervisor, said she does not ship firearms no matter what. We called the main office and was told that they cannot make her ship the rifle. Both of us were floored. Shipped it through Fed Ex.
Now a Fed Ex story. Had some CMP Ammo shipped to me, the 22 lr, it came to the house and I was not home. The Driver missed over looked it the previous day, so I arranged through the hub to have it dropped off at a local Fed Ex store. I get a call from a paniced store manager, that I have to come and pick it up right away, that he is not authorized to hold ammo at his store. Told by another employee that the manager is afraid of guns.
No matter who is elected in 2016, it just going to get worse. We have federal gun laws, state gun laws and now municipal gun laws. You are going to break one eventually.
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