View Full Version : M1917 follower spring and sight questions

02-10-2016, 02:50
Looking for a strong follower spring for my 1918 Remington with original bbl with muzzle>1, throat 1 or 2. that I'm trying to work up for the Vintage Match this year. Third or fourth round is occasionally hanging up.

I've tried a couple of used gun show originals and neither was as strong as I'd like.

1. Can anyone suggest a source for a newer/ aftermarket spring? Other than putting it in the rifle, is there any positive way of testing a spring (dial indicator, etc.)? Are Numrich springs new?

2. Alternatively, Is there any way of strengthening/stiffening the spring?

3. Does anyone know if current CMP rules allow changing/reducing the diameter of the aperture of the rear sight?
I've read the rules and they simply require total originality, but I've been told that they have allowed drilling out 03A3 apertures and make other exceptions. i.e., use of the USMC .10 front blade.

All info/opinions/suggestions gratefully solicited.

02-10-2016, 04:52
The latest rules are normally available at the CMP website. This is from the 2014 version -

4.2.1 General As-Issued Military Rifle Requirements
The following rules apply to all as-issued U. S. and foreign military rifles
unless specific exceptions are noted in these rules:
. . .
Sights must be of the same types that were on rifles issued to regular
military personnel, except that the internal diameter of rear apertures
may be modified. Adjustable apertures, interchangeable inserts and
lens inserts of any type are prohibited. Special purpose sights designed
for sniping or competition are not permitted.

02-11-2016, 04:52
The latest rules are normally available at the CMP website. This is from the 2014 version -

4.2.1 General As-Issued Military Rifle Requirements
The following rules apply to all as-issued U. S. and foreign military rifles
unless specific exceptions are noted in these rules:
. . .
Sights must be of the same types that were on rifles issued to regular
military personnel, except that the internal diameter of rear apertures
may be modified. Adjustable apertures, interchangeable inserts and
lens inserts of any type are prohibited. Special purpose sights designed
for sniping or competition are not permitted.

Thank you! Dokcop

Col. Colt
02-11-2016, 12:49
Make sure your magazine box is fully seated. Also, the M1917 spring in mine is very slightly different than my M1903 springs, so perhaps you need to make sure you have an M1917 follower spring.

If the stock is too "deep"/trigger guard not seated there could be a gap that is catching the follower. CC

02-11-2016, 03:30
Www.shootingsight.com may can help you with an aperture

02-13-2016, 05:34
Www.shootingsight.com may can help you with an aperture

Thanks to all for the input.