View Full Version : WTB M81/M82 Rubber Eye Shield/Cup

blu 97
02-10-2016, 06:22
Looking for a M81/M82 Rubber Eye Shield/Cup repro, can't afford a real one.

Let me know what you have.

02-16-2016, 07:50
If you change your mind I have two NIB original ones Reading through the yellowed tape I can read "SNL F235", Eyeshield m81-m82 sight", "qty 1", "Taylor Bros Co.",
"Cleveland,Ohio". Written on the tape in ink "Sheild-EYE", "A7575053","F235-7575053", "qty-1". On the side of the box label it says "Inspected and Accepted" Then a cross canon stamp then "Inspected and Accepted" again.
I opened one box and the eyecup is in tissue paper in "NEW" condition.Flexible with no cracking, checking or cuts.

don ball
02-16-2016, 10:40
im enterested in both ! contact me at 1 541 951 7955 thank you,don

don ball
02-16-2016, 08:58
cnjcomp,im interested in both of your m81/82 eye sheilds. contact me at 1541 951 7955 thanks,don ball

blu 97
02-17-2016, 06:06
Just wanted to let you know cnjcomp that the M82 cups you have are worth at least $300.00 each, don't give them away to cheep.

02-19-2016, 02:22
Thanks for the heads up. I saw a used(in good shape) eyecup without a box up for sale at the last Savannah Gunshow. Asking was $200.00. I'm told it sold. I've got an email into the vendor to see if he will tell me what he got for it.

02-26-2016, 02:27
Just saw that a used M81-M82 eye cup sold for $356.00 on Ebay. Guess NIB ones are worth a bit more.

blu 97
02-26-2016, 03:23
Had a good time watching that one, told you these are worth a bunch.

This is what I'm going to try instead.
