View Full Version : early M1 rifle with S-A 7-40 dated barrel

02-14-2016, 06:50
Early mid 1940 rifle with S-A 7-40 dated barrel (nice bore too and without chrome) SA SPG late stock is original too

some restoration was required. mid 1940 examples are difficult to find or restore34315343163431734318

02-14-2016, 06:54

02-15-2016, 07:51
Nice early one!

02-15-2016, 12:55
Beautiful rifle! That is exactly the type that I'm looking for. Thanks for sharing!

02-15-2016, 09:07
Drooling eveywhere here! Nice example of a difficult period to have all correct.

02-16-2016, 07:15
That looks like a keeper.

Johnny P
02-24-2016, 03:43
A really rare variation of the M1 Rifle to find in original configuration.

A little later with an 8-40 barrel.


02-24-2016, 05:11
Damn that pretty, Robert. Thanks for sharing!

02-24-2016, 06:33
Steven, your s/n 167583 is really nice too

and Johnny P. also has two nice rifles from this time period too

02-25-2016, 03:29
Steven, your s/n 167583 is really nice too

and Johnny P. also has two nice rifles from this time period too

Sadly, 167583 had to be "rehomed" because of my divorce. It was a sweetheart.

02-26-2016, 08:41
Johnny, thanks for sharing !

Johnny P
02-27-2016, 06:53
The rifle shown was one of those moments in gun collecting. I had set up at a small show and was walking it before the doors opened when I came upon a table with a lot of military rifles. I spied the M1 Rifle and everything on the outside looked correct. Ask the owner if I could break it down, and saw that it had the keystone springs. I did not lay it down until the owner had time to finish setting up and getting back to me. It was bought just as a run of the mill rifle.

The rifle is in Scott Duff's book, but some of the parts shown were not on the original build sheet.

02-27-2016, 08:39
The error was the follower arm "single bevel" in Duff's data sheet, should have been "flat back" follower arm.

Lance White
03-27-2016, 07:38
I have always wondered how many intact 5 digit guns were stripped for parts to restore gas traps? I have not seen a intact 5 digit gas port in the wild, but have seen a few gas traps in person over the years.