View Full Version : Do these swords have any value.

02-25-2016, 10:02
Found a couple of swords for sale online. Anyone here think they have any value or is the condition too bad?34462344633446434465

02-25-2016, 10:33
The one in the first three pics is a bad fake out of China. They were selling these on ebay with misleading photos and really expensive shipping($100+), but a low price ($5-$10). When the buyer complained after receiving a bad fake they would gladly refund the purchase price of $5-$10. Don't ask how I know this, I don't want to talk about it...lol

The one propped up in the corner may be a legitimate sabre, possibly US civil war era, or European from mid 1800s-1900. In that condition, could be anywhere from $30-$300. Depends on what it actually is....IF IT IS REAL.

Ken The Kanuck
02-26-2016, 05:05
I have one of the Japanese ones, truly amazing just how much trouble they go to. The scabbord (sp?) is made from wooden slats and wrapped in copper or brass with a bunch of design. The one I have has no edge on the blade, maybe a 1/8" wide.

I too was suckered on Ebay.


02-26-2016, 06:00
The one in the corner looks like a M1840 heavy cav.saber import for the Civil War. It's in poor condition, and missing scabbard $150 max on a good day.

02-27-2016, 05:08
Thanks for the good info guys, I think I will pass on them.

02-27-2016, 07:50
I too was suckered on Ebay.


Glad I am not the only one....lol
Sadly, there were some good honest dealers out of China with good stuff at one time. They were swallowed by a Banzai attack of BS though.

At one time I was buying grenade parts of a Chinese seller. He had great items and only one very angry negative feedback -"I BOUGHT AN INERT GRENADE AND WHEN IT ARRIVED IT WAS A LIVE GRENADE! NOT COOL!!!!!" I should have saved a screenshot of that feedback. Seeing it actually caused me to bid on more of his stuff. I figured anyone who could get live grenades probably had no trouble getting the shipping plugs, caps and pins I wanted. I kind of wonder what happened to him, ran out of items, accident, Chinese prison?

02-28-2016, 05:37
yikes a live one!!!!