View Full Version : Bent op-rod
03-18-2016, 01:42
How straight does an op-rod have to be to work properly and can they be straightened. Had a guy give me 3 op-rods and they have a little bend in each one. Looking to salvage them if possible.
03-18-2016, 02:41
The Op rod should have a natural curve to it. A bent rod would be noticeably bent and look damaged.
03-18-2016, 04:28
Thank you. These rods have a slight arch in the spring tube. Didn't know if this is normal or not. If these rods are normal I just lucked into 3 good rods. They came with springs also.
I'd start out by putting each through the basic "tilt test", and take it from there.
Your lucky guy. Try to buy a op rod today =$$.
Your a lucky guy. Try to buy a op rod today =$$
03-19-2016, 04:47
Thank you. These rods have a slight arch in the spring tube. Didn't know if this is normal or not. If these rods are normal I just lucked into 3 good rods. They came with springs also.
You could post a picture if you're still unsure... but it sounds like they're normal to me. You have a pretty good friend to give you three good rods with springs! As Joem says - Lucky guy!!!
Op rods could not slide without the proper bends.
Proper bends on free op rods are not the only worrys. You also need to check the specs on the tab, undersized worn tab will dismount when fired. Piston size also needs to be measured with a micrometer for proper size. They can be rebuilt but not cheap if tab and piston need to be brought back in spec
tanker trash
03-19-2016, 04:47
If needed, there is a company called Columbus Machine that can check and rebuild the op rods.
03-20-2016, 07:39
Thanks guys. I can check sizes with mic's. This guy didn't need the rods because he sold his M1s and didn't have any use for them. Tried to make him an offer but he would have none of it. I'll keep them for parts as I recently started servicing the M1s for local veterans organizations for their color guards.
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