View Full Version : Screwy little question

03-20-2016, 05:21
Is anyone here aware of any known changes made to to the front trigger guard screws used on any of the 1903/1903A3/1903A4 series of rifles (particularly in terms of length)? I'm given to believe that the rear trigger guard screws were identical throughout production, but I'm now sure about the front ones. Thanks.

Punch the Clown
03-20-2016, 06:15
The ones for the 03A3 are a little longer and I believe the thread is a different profile. I had the exact specs but they're somewhere on my hard drive. I will try to find them although I'm sure someone else will chime in with the answer.

I may be wrong here. This is as per John Beard.
"All WWII production M1903 and M'03-A3 rifles were factory-fitted with 0.9" screws. All pre-WWII M1903 rifles were fitted with 1.0" screws."

John Beard
03-20-2016, 08:12
Is anyone here aware of any known changes made to to the front trigger guard screws used on any of the 1903/1903A3/1903A4 series of rifles (particularly in terms of length)? I'm given to believe that the rear trigger guard screws were identical throughout production, but I'm now sure about the front ones. Thanks.

Screwy Little Answer:



03-21-2016, 06:19
The guard screws are identical to the ones for the 1896 Krag rifles forward. A little bit of trivia-the screws for the Model 1892 rifles were flat on the end rather than the slight taper on the 1896 Krag to end of 03 production.

03-21-2016, 09:14
they are the same pitch, but 3 different lengths and head cuts..
many 1903 stocks get damaged from use of a 1903A3 rear screw being used, screw bottoms out, tight, but the rifle isnt really tight in the stock.
the screw head cuts dont matter much, just how pretty they are in the rifle.

03-21-2016, 10:17
Thanks for all of the great responses! Guess maybe it wasn't such a screwy question after all. :icon_redface:

03-21-2016, 03:40
I took measurements of a few trigger guard screws that I have available. The rear guard screws run about 1.57 inches in overall length and, if I understand this right, they're correct for all US model 1896 and 1898 Krags, as well as all 1903, 1903A3, and 1903A4 Springfield rifles. Some of my front guard screws measure about 1.02 inches and would be correct for all US model 1896 and 1898 Krags, as well as all SA and RIA 1903s. The remaining front guard screws measure about 0.92 inches and would be correct for Remington 1903s, as well as all 1903A3 and 1903A4 rifles.

If that's right, Chuck, I would think it would be using the longer 1903 front handguard screw in a 1903A3 rifle that would cause the problem you describe. Or are the rear screws different lengths for the 1903 vs. the 9103A3 as well?

John Beard
03-21-2016, 08:39
Your supposition is correct. The shorter front trigger guard screws are WWII contractor production.


03-21-2016, 09:22
Oops, need to check those guard screws more carefully!