View Full Version : 1903 MII Questions

04-01-2016, 02:35
I have had a Springfield 1903 MII that I have never personally fired. It has a finger groove stock that looks to be presentation grade and upgraded at some period to have a M2 bolt plus the addition of the second I plus a G suffix to the serial number. My questions are related to shooting this thing especially since my local range added a range that only rim fire rifles and pistols are allowed. Are these rifles generally capable of good groups and if the answer is yes, what ammo, like lead or something like a copper colored with higher speed type.

Thank you!

04-01-2016, 03:16
They can usually shoot beter than the person holding it can . They can't compete in the top layers of competition any more , but that's not knocking it down much .
The gun will like what it likes . Buy a couple of boxes of as many different brands / types / price ranges as you can find or afford . Sometimes a cheep choice will do very , very well . You just never know till you try it . Once you find a load it loves , buy as much as you can afford , because even a lot change can affect performance on way or another .