View Full Version : info on unusual German .22?

04-17-2016, 08:58
I recently bought a German-made C.E. Heinzelmann "Modell Heim" .22 single-shot rifle at a show. It looks sort of like a Mauser es304. It has a military-like rear sight and a heavy barrel. It has "KVI" burned into the buttstock. It could have possibly been used as a trainer, but who knows?

I have found very little on this rifle on the Web. One German site indicated the rifles were made mostly in the 1920s. I'll try to post photos later, but any help with this would be much appreciated....

04-17-2016, 12:04
Google the K98k site. They have a forum there for German trainers and other .22 rifles, conversion kits, etc. Very knowledgeable group and you may find what the KVI stands for. The Germans did not have an official or purpose built trainer/gallery 22 like we had the 1903 MI, MII series. Like us in later years they purchased commercial rifles in small numbers. The two most popular were the KKW and the DSM-34, as they looked and simulated the K98k. the closest. All these rifles were sold to the civilian market and purchased by many Nazi organizations, mainly the two mentioned. Germany had many shooting clubs in that time (20-30's) and even before.

04-17-2016, 02:29
Here is a link to the K98k site: http://www.k98kforum.com/
You will need good pics of ALL markings so they can determine
when it was made ect.