View Full Version : NO 1911's comming to CMP
04-26-2016, 08:05
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Thanks for the info. Maybe things will change when we get a new president providing it isn't the hildabitch.
Duane Hansen
04-26-2016, 08:23
Not really a big surprise. I never thought it would happen in the first place.
04-26-2016, 08:34
I just received a response form my sales rep at CMP in Anniston Al. she informed me that it is very unlikely that any 1911 pistols will be available to members who were eligible for everything else they sell..
Sorry for the bad news, but its directly from the CMP not BS.!
Can you copy and post exactly what they wrote?
I would like to see a copy also.
Chris W.
04-27-2016, 11:19
It can't be much of a surprise to most of us considering who we have sitting in the White House. Clinton gets elected, bet they go directly to Capt. Crunch for a melt down just as soon as she can have it done. And that sure won't be the worse thing she does.
A long as there is a Democrat in the White House they will sit a rot in storage.
Chris W.
04-30-2016, 08:57
c-j, there are worse things that can happen. Look at the firearms her husband put through Capt. Crunch during his time. No reason to believe she won't go right back to it. Come up with some lame excuse. ( it's for the children or something like that ) My grandkids are shooters from a very early age, it sure won't be for their benefit.
c-j, there are worse things that can happen. Look at the firearms her husband put through Capt. Crunch during his time. No reason to believe she won't go right back to it. Come up with some lame excuse. ( it's for the children or something like that ) My grandkids are shooters from a very early age, it sure won't be for their benefit.
Chris I believe that her husband was the reason that their was a law passed where it is illegal to destroy old weapons ie 1911 Garands Carbine because of their historical significance. She could not destroy them if she wanted to.
Bill wanted to destroy a batch of M1A s but found out he could not do it so he found some small country somewhere with a small army. Now there are 5 M1As for every solider in that country. If Bill could not destroy them he just gave them away to some 3rd world county,
M1A's ???
Perhaps you mean M14' s ?
Chris I believe that her husband was the reason that their was a law passed where it is illegal to destroy old weapons ie 1911 Garands Carbine because of their historical significance. She could not destroy them if she wanted to.
Bill wanted to destroy a batch of M1A s but found out he could not do it so he found some small country somewhere with a small army. Now there are 5 M1As for every solider in that country. If Bill could not destroy them he just gave them away to some 3rd world county,
M1A's ???
Perhaps you mean M14' s ?
A lot of the folks do not realize there is a difference. M14 = forged receiver semi/fully automatic rifle, M1A = cast receiver semiautomatic rifle(unless it is Chinese).
09-22-2016, 10:26
just received a response form my sales rep at CMP in Anniston Al. she informed me that it is very unlikely that any 1911 pistols will be available to members who were eligible for everything else they sell..
That still sort of leaves the door open for Club Sales, doesn't it?:)
Chris W.
09-23-2016, 09:24
If their is one thing I'm sure of is that the fate of these 1911's will rest on the winner of this election. Clinton wins, there gone, Trump wins, the sale is on, that simple. Like so many other things in this country and the fate of America as well, we loose this one, we are screwed.
Richard H Brown Jr
09-25-2016, 09:01
IIRC Congress passed a law that said the 1911's were to be transferred to ODCMP/CMP for sales. A the rate of 10k? a year. But the hold up is that a government owned? entity has to get a FFL to transfer the weapons to FFL's in states that allow 1911's on their *authorized* lists. And BATF and State Dept are the ones holding it up, so no sales. Of course I could be wrong, and alot of times I am.
09-25-2016, 09:40
IIRC Congress passed a law that said the 1911's were to be transferred to ODCMP/CMP for sales. A the rate of 10k? a year. But the hold up is that a government owned? entity has to get a FFL to transfer the weapons to FFL's in states that allow 1911's on their *authorized* lists. And BATF and State Dept are the ones holding it up, so no sales. Of course I could be wrong, and alot of times I am.
It said the Secretary of the Army may do all that and currently we have an acting secretary of the Army.
State Department has nothing to do with anything already here, only can control imports. ATF has no say so either, it's codified in Federal law. All that has to happen is the Secret Army sign off.
Clark Howard
09-26-2016, 06:56
As observed in the Obama administration, Federal law would be commonly ignored to further the interests of of the dems. They will destroy the 1911s, because they know that we want them. Regards, Clark
Litt'le Lee
09-27-2016, 12:17
they are not worth a grand to me-rather have a Glock
Chris W.
09-27-2016, 02:13
All of us could have something else, and brand new at that. But the point is we bought these already, or our parents, or grandparents did. Keeping these out of our hands is nothing more than a political move. Who knows how the CMP might price these ?? And, by now most are mixmasters from trips to be rebuilt over the generations. We paid for that as well. Would I rather have a Glock, or a new Colt for that matter, as a service pistol yes. It would still be nice to have old 1911 military in a personal collection though. A politician keeping us from them just because they can pisses me off way more than the price ever could. The act of us not getting a chance at these is just another step along the gun control and ban road. What's next, a new assault rifle ban, high cap mags and what ever else they can to harass legitimate owners ?? This needs to stop here and now.
SemperFi, 0321
12-06-2016, 08:01
I carried several 1911A1's during my time in, the last being a US&S (which ser# I cannot remember or find anywhere!!!) and the thought infuriates me to no end that I could have to pay over $1,000 to get one when they are already paid for decades before. Now they will be bought up by dealers and high dollar collectors, when I believe the vets who carried them should have first choice, and at a very reasonable veterans price. DD214 should be all that is needed to buy one.
Gunny, +10 on the M-14 comment, these idiots who refer to them as M-1A's haven't a clue. Rifle Expert (M-14 & M-16A1).
Chris W.
12-08-2016, 08:17
Congratulations', think our group won the election, about time. My bet is now on the CMP getting these 1911's, and those M1 rifles and carbines setting in South Korea should be on their way here soon. Not a matter of if, just a question of when. And because of that, thinking the prices of the above should fall some due to a big increased supply. Second amendment preserved for now, along with the rest of them.
Don't hold you breath on these yet. These will once again have to go through the committee's then the appropriations bill, then if both the House and Senate agree on them being in the bill,(like last year) then they vote on the bill and pass it, then if the Army Secretary approves it then they can be sent to CMP. The way this bill was done means it has to be approved each and every year for these 1911 A1's to go to CMP and the law as far as I know allowing CMP to sell these has not yet been passed. Right now CMP cannot sell handguns unless the law is or has been changed. I do hope this does pass in Congress in this next budget but right now it's only extensions that congress is passing till the new Pres takes over.
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