View Full Version : Where to find '03A3 rear sight base set screws?

05-01-2016, 08:00
I asked this over on the CMP forum, but I'll ask here too.

Back around Thanksgiving I bought 9-10 '03A3 stripped rear sight bases. The seller (not a CMP or CSP forum member) assured me that any of the bases that had provisions for a setscrew would come with one.

Well, they didn't and almost six months later I've given up on them arriving.

Does anyone know of a source for the #5-40 x 1/8" slot head setscrews I'm looking for?

I do not see any of the usual parts vendors listing them.

Right now, I do not want to use modern socket head setscrews.


05-01-2016, 09:45
Try Numbrich?


Woops this is for 1905 sight but I believe they have the 03a3 screw you are looking for

05-01-2016, 11:08
Gunparts lists all the wee bits for an '03A3 rear sight. Only slotted screw is the Slide Aperture Screw. $2.35 each.
Rear sight base goes onto a dove tail and staked in place. No place for a screw to live on proper '03A3 sight.
However, you should be able to find a 5-40 screw in a good hardware store.

05-01-2016, 01:02
Gunparts lists all the wee bits for an '03A3 rear sight. Only slotted screw is the Slide Aperture Screw. $2.35 each.
Rear sight base goes onto a dove tail and staked in place. No place for a screw to live on proper '03A3 sight.
However, you should be able to find a 5-40 screw in a good hardware store.

The early A3 rear sight bases were affixed with a base screw (part # A153075). TM 9-1270, dated 20JAN44, reads in section 17-f-5, "NOTE: Rear sight base screw #A153075 as been eliminated in sights of recent manufacture. The sight base is now staked in place." The problem was with the screw loosening up and the base moving. An old gun club friend of mine told of being issued an A3 just prior to going "over the side" to a Pacific island. Apparently a last minute order had come down for the need for additional snipers, with instructions to replace the M-1's in the hands of the better shots in rifle companies WITH A3's! An obvious mistake of course, but orders are orders, even if they are last minute and totally ridiculous . Then, on his way into the beach, he discovered the loose rear sight on the A3!Once ashore he quickly came upon an aid station, where he cashiered the faulty A3 for an M-1 that the original user no longer had use of.

Punch the Clown
05-01-2016, 01:49
#5-40 is pretty big. The other screws on the sight are #3 I believe. Anyway, ebay has #5-40 screws listed. Of course they're long and zinc plated but those things are easily fixed.

05-01-2016, 06:56
I saw those, but everything I can find on eBay has a socket head. I could also use slot head AN565 or NASM565 aircraft screws, but I've not turned any of them up yet either.

Punch the Clown
05-01-2016, 07:27
http://www.ebay.com/itm/DNA55016GR-Mach-Screw-Flat-5-40-x-1-2-L-PK100-/331344890116?hash=item4d25b1c904:g:xYgAAOSw5b1XI1~ J


Randy A
05-01-2016, 11:38
I've had to target more than my fair share of them and found that the early set screw is not nearly as effective as you would think. The slightest bump will still move them and it's no replacement for staking them. It is also very easy put a noticeable twist in the base, so despite looking like a good idea, I'm glad they did away with them.

05-03-2016, 01:43
Brownells will have the screws you want.

05-05-2016, 11:27
Brownells will have the screws you want.

I'm afraid they do not, or if they do, I can't find them on the website.

Bob S
05-05-2016, 10:23
Late SC, set screw and lightly staked:


11-43 Remington, heavily staked only:


John Beard may be able to tell when Remington eliminated the set screw. From my meager observations, it doesn't appear that SC ever eliminated it, although the later ones seem to be staked in addition to the screw.

Respectfully, Bob S.

05-06-2016, 12:08
Maybe Springfield sporters?


05-13-2016, 09:00
I called the seller of my sight bases one more time on Tuesday and again asked for the missing screws.

I had ten in my mailbox today after work and my sight rebuilding project finally done!

05-16-2016, 12:02

10th item down on list