View Full Version : two 1940 bolts

05-18-2016, 07:13
These two bolt are not common to find, the D 28287-1 drawing number on the same line was only used for a very
short period, it was follower by the D 28287-1-SA which is rare to find.

The D28287-2SA with the X I heat lot code is not listed on any data that was published - I would consider it to also
be rare too3572935730

Johnny P
05-18-2016, 11:51
An earlier bolt, but I like the hand stamped revision number. It was in a CMP sold rebuild.


05-20-2016, 02:41
I bought these two revision 2 bolts (J9A and RE2) bolts many years ago, they are "new" replacement bolts. Note how
the bolt face and rear locking lug area is polished. These are like the Lend Lease bolts only without the small BNP stamp357503575135752