View Full Version : Systema Argentine frame take all other slide??

07-12-2016, 09:07
Buddy and I were shooting .45's tonight and he is overshooting by 18""@ 50 yds.

Would a slide swap allow him to put better sights to bring him on paper?


Litt'le Lee
07-12-2016, 09:29
taller front sight or shoot hotter rounds-time in barrel will determine where the bullet leaves the barrel in the recoil process
the slower rounds shoot high-hotter rounds leave the barrel sooner in the recoil process and print lower

09-17-2016, 07:32
If the pistol is a 1927 Systema Colt it should be identical to a 1911A1 and should accept a Colt slide.

S.A. Boggs
09-18-2016, 07:11
In my 45+ years I have seen them shoot all over the paper, this is my recommendations. Break the weapon completely down and give it a thorough cleaning. when I say completely I mean even the arched mainspring housing. Replace all the spring as most like they are old and weak. Properly lubricate and reassemble. Now a little trick we used eons ago: take a # 2 pencil sharpened to a point. Take a medium large box that you can set on a card table, taping a paper plate on it. In the center of the plate, put a small X in the center. Tape the rear of the pencil where the eraser is and just barely tape the pencil where it is just barely inside the tube. The pencil must move freely back and forth. Place the weapon in your shooting hand, kneeling on both legs place the weapon hand onto the table griping the weapon as you normally would. The box should be no closer then 4-12" from the muzzle. Aim @ the X and fire, do this three times will give you some idea of a group. Going to the range, shoot from a rest @ 21 feet which is "average" combat range. If you are still shooting high, replace the rear sight with a combat adjustable sight rather then replace the front sight on the slide. Hope this helps.