View Full Version : Winder Musket fore end

07-21-2016, 12:00
Does anyone have any idea where a Winder Musket fore end would be available. A friend has a musket with the fore end cut off just above the upper band? He would like to restore the fore end, including the cap on the end. Also, is there anyone out there who can reproduce the fore end if an original is not obtainable?

Johnny P
07-21-2016, 12:16
Try some of these. Albert Buckingham specialized in obsolete Winchester parts, but I have not seen him at Tulsa in a while.


Dave in NGA
11-03-2016, 10:30
I found an original fore end and end cap on Epay a couple months ago. Finish and condition was a close match for my Winder. I think it cost me about $50 for the wood and $30 for the cap and screw.