View Full Version : Can anyone translate this writing
This is written on a 1910 No 1 Mark III...updated to III* at some point. DP marked on receiver, barrel, nose cap, and trigger guard. Bore looks good...bolt doesn't close on my field gauge....who knows. Just curious what the writing says, and am I right that it's Arabic.
36679 stock disc marked DP also.
no, but it is Arabic,or at least from my coin books, characters appear the same. Enfields were used all over the middle east from WWI thru recent history until the Kalashnikov appeared
Don't think this will help, but it's worth a look. There are other translation sites too.
"...DP marked on receiver..." Usually means it's unsafe to shoot. However, rifles were DP'd for a myriad of reasons. Beat up No. 1's, Khyber Pass made, Indian, Brit, Australian and New Zealand rifles are still turning up in assorted searches.
Thanks I'll try it. Hoping writing would ID country it's been to.
Numbers painted on stock appear to be 122. However that would be the same in either Farsi (Iran) or Arabic-Egypt (most other mid east counties). How ever the numbers on disk are 114 the #four (backwards E) is defiantly Arabic/Egypt so it looks like it could be from one of many mid-east countries. My guess would be Iraq. The Brit's sold Iraq many, under a contract with BSA in the late 30's. Mine is dated 1939.
Thanks Dave.
This one is a Enfield serial number T 1218 dated 1910 or 1916. Receiver nose cap and barrel match but bolt does not. Sight force matched with two other serial numbers crossed through. It is import marked but the stamp is hard to read. I think it says CAI ST RLC VI PR3 303 UK. I'm sure about the CA the ST and 303 UK.
JB White
07-28-2016, 02:13
Is there a marking which looks like a backwards S inside a triangle? That would be the Iraqi property mark.
Is there a marking which looks like a backwards S inside a triangle? That would be the Iraqi property mark.
Gonna go look...standby
Not that I can see J.B. Of course it looks like it's a Century Arms Inc import so I suppose the stock could have been put on there....or anywhere in between. The stock color and wear seem to match though.
JB White
07-28-2016, 04:20
Mentioned it because Iraq was listed as a possibility. Not a large mark but typically found on the metal on top the receiver ring or Knocks form/barrel flat.
CAI (Century Arms International) ST RLC VI (St Albans, Vermont) PR3 (????) 303 UK (caliber)
CAI moved to Georgia, Vermont in 2000.
JB White
07-29-2016, 06:55
CAI (Century Arms International) ST RLC VI (St Albans, Vermont) PR3 (????) 303 UK (caliber)
CAI moved to Georgia, Vermont in 2000.
It should read similar to:
Importer, model/caliber, country of origin
BATF made requirement changes as to the type of marking and the location in the post '86 timeframe. From laser etching on the barrel beneath the handguards, to the barrel, then to the receiver. Gradually progressing to the huge dot matrix markings which are obnoxiously ugly and cannot pass for a small obscure blip to the untrained eye.
It should read similar to:
Importer, model/caliber, country of origin
BATF made requirement changes as to the type of marking and the location in the post '86 timeframe. From laser etching on the barrel beneath the handguards, to the barrel, then to the receiver. Gradually progressing to the huge dot matrix markings which are obnoxiously ugly and cannot pass for a small obscure blip to the untrained eye.
Its on the receiver and its a crappy stamp not dot matrix for sure. It definitely is a CAI under a magnifier. It does look like it might be ST RLC VI. What looks like a PR3 probably is MK 3 but the first two letters are so lightly stamped who knows. Finally it is 303 UK. So a CAI import probably came over from England in the 90's. Thanks much for more education.
JB White
07-30-2016, 08:43
Willing to make a small wager that RLC VI is really a poorly struck ALB VT? ;)
Willing to make a small wager that RLC VI is really a poorly struck ALB VT? ;)
Could be but I suck at gambling and the stamping sucks so I'm folding....
I will ask some of my Arab friends to translate. This may take awhile.
I will ask some of my Arab friends to translate. This may take awhile.
I approached an Imam who is a friend, and he responded:
"There are some missing words here, it doesn't make that much sense for. On one side there are three readable words, danger, shooting and fire,
the other side only one word is readable"only"
may be someone with good concept of gun related terms can figure out of the writer's intention. it might be a warning that only those who are trained can use it, or there is a danger of shooting and fire so don't touch it."
I have the sense that the Arabic marking may just be "Drill Purpose Only".
JB White
08-01-2016, 07:38
Those words all on the same rifle cause me to suspect a condemned rifle relegated to drill use only. A very close inspection is definitely in order.
Thank you. It's a DP stamped rifle so maybe just a way to say DP in Arabic....
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