View Full Version : .303 British Load Velocity

07-29-2016, 12:17
I posted previously about a pretty good load using 174 gr. bullets and 40 gr. of IMR 4064 powder. I got to chronograph it today. Average of three shots was 2395 fps about 10 feet from the muzzle. Since I was looking for something around 2400 - 2450 fps that will work just fine. It's an accurate load but I didn't shoot it very accurately today :icon_redface:. I've shot it with both Sierra Match Kings and Mk VII bullet pulls from outdated surplus ammunition. In fact I worked it up a few years ago with Mk VII pulled bullets. The Mk VIIs are consistently more accurate than the Sierra Match Kings, but both will hold the 10 ring of an SR target at 200 yards with my No. 4 Mk 2, assuming I do my part.

07-30-2016, 10:18
Always thought about trying 4064. I've been using Varget for some time. Mainly because I buy it in 8 lb jugs and use it in 308, 30-06, 6.5 X 55, and in a pinch .223. Glad to see someone else saying pulled mil surp bullets shoot better than the .311 SMKs. I dump the cordite and soak the brass to kill the primer. Decamp, anneal neck of old brass to 750 then I reload it. If I anneal the neck every reload I can get several reloads out of stuff that usually cracks the first firing. I also like to find that 2400 fps mark with jacketed bullets. With cast on my worn bores I have the best luck with ALOX coated bullets around 1800. Baked on powdered coated cast I loaded to 2000 with good results but it's time consuming working those up. My cast mold is a .312 beagled to throw just over .313. I,ve got a custom Lee push through resized at .313 they are then run through. I don't have a No 4 mark 2, only No 4 mark 1s and No 1 mark 3*s. I need to find a good mark 2 one of these days.

07-30-2016, 11:01
No current IMR4064 data on Hodgdon's site. There is my my old Lyman book but for 180's. 180 grain data will be close enough. 38.0(2127 fps) to 42.0(2386 fps).
"...outdated surplus ammunition..." Best .303 Ball I've ever fired was 44 years old at the time. 1944 vintage DA. Ain't no outdated .303 surplus ammunition unless it hasn't been stored properly or it comes from India/Pakistan.

07-30-2016, 04:00
One guy I know says loading with IMR 4064 is like loading Lincoln Logs. I admit it isn't the best if you use any kind of progressive loader, or even a scoop because of the long sticks. It's a versatile powder though and if you're like me and you trickle up every load it gives really good results in a lot of rifles. Besides .303 British, I use it in my .250 Savage in which I load 117 gr. Hornady BTSPs and in .30-06 where if produces a very good "Garand friendly" load with the 168 gr. Sierra Match King and 165 gr. Game Kings I use.

07-30-2016, 06:10
No current IMR4064 data on Hodgdon's site. There is my my old Lyman book but for 180's. 180 grain data will be close enough. 38.0(2127 fps) to 42.0(2386 fps).
"...outdated surplus ammunition..." Best .303 Ball I've ever fired was 44 years old at the time. 1944 vintage DA. Ain't no outdated .303 surplus ammunition unless it hasn't been stored properly or it comes from India/Pakistan.

I probably have 500 RDS of surplus 303 left. I bought a little under 1000 of it from a friend circa 2010.. Its was not stored properly as he said it either didn't go off or went click one two bang. I think I gave $90.00 for it. Its British 41 and 42 dated but I don't remember the factory that made it. It will take a little work but I'll get my 90 bucks out of it....Wish that good cheap surplus was still around.

07-31-2016, 11:20
"...Wish that..." None made since at least the 60's. We got IVI after the CF for who knows why decided to destroy all remaining stocks of really friggin' good DA ammo. Crap compared to that 1944 stuff. Worked every time, but wasn't nearly as accurate.
"...either didn't go off or went click one two bang..." Pakistani stuff is reputed to do that. Brit stuff would have been handled by everybody and his brother in 75 years too. Likely corrosively Berdan primed as well.

07-31-2016, 07:27
"...Wish that..." None made since at least the 60's. We got IVI after the CF for who knows why decided to destroy all remaining stocks of really friggin' good DA ammo. Crap compared to that 1944 stuff. Worked every time, but wasn't nearly as accurate.
"...either didn't go off or went click one two bang..." Pakistani stuff is reputed to do that. Brit stuff would have been handled by everybody and his brother in 75 years too. Likely corrosively Berdan primed as well.

I'm going to have to look at headstamp now. I know its boxer primed 41 and 42 vintage. My friend bought it with a rifle. The ammo had been stored in a Missouri garage in plastic bags for years. He sold the rifle and buyer didn't want ammo. I have a feeling it drew moisture through condensation.

Art have you loaded any of the Privi 174 grain new bullets, are they worth a hoot in hand loads. I've shot some of there loaded 174 but it runs a little hot (2475 ish over my chrono).

08-02-2016, 10:47
2475 ish isn't terribly hot for a jacketed 174. Some powders go a tick over 2600. Several over 2500. Only real issue is accuracy if the barrel isn't at or very close to .311". That's the diameter Prvi uses.
Brit Mk VIII .303 can have either. Boxer or Berdan. Buddies garage humid at times?

08-02-2016, 11:12
One guy I know says loading with IMR 4064 is like loading Lincoln Logs. I admit it isn't the best if you use any kind of progressive loader, or even a scoop because of the long sticks. It's a versatile powder though and if you're like me and you trickle up every load it gives really good results in a lot of rifles. Besides .303 British, I use it in my .250 Savage in which I load 117 gr. Hornady BTSPs and in .30-06 where if produces a very good "Garand friendly" load with the 168 gr. Sierra Match King and 165 gr. Game Kings I use.

I read someplace, maybe Hatcher's Notebook, that 4064 was best for M2 ball, but the high speed loading machines couldn't meter it well so they settled on 4895. Seems plausible.

08-03-2016, 02:49
2475 ish isn't terribly hot for a jacketed 174. Some powders go a tick over 2600. Several over 2500. Only real issue is accuracy if the barrel isn't at or very close to .311". That's the diameter Prvi uses.
Brit Mk VIII .303 can have either. Boxer or Berdan. Buddies garage humid at times?

Most of the LE s are shoot are worn....I've have some nice ones but they are safe queens. Probably why the worn one seem to shoot well around 2400. The ammo was store in a garage in Midwest and yes it gets humid. The plastic baggies didn't help.

08-05-2016, 04:21
Most of the LE s are shoot are worn....I've have some nice ones but they are safe queens. Probably why the worn one seem to shoot well around 2400. The ammo was store in a garage in Midwest and yes it gets humid. The plastic baggies didn't help.

My ammo stays in my air conditioned house so humidity, although severe where I live, is not a problem. I have thought about using my foodad saver vacuum machine on ammo to keep it bone dry

08-05-2016, 07:54
My ammo stays in my air conditioned house so humidity, although severe where I live, is not a problem. I have thought about using my foodad saver vacuum machine on ammo to keep it bone dry

I do the same with mine. I mentioned barrowing the wife's food saver. The look I got convince me I needed to buy my own....