View Full Version : Current issue of "Rifle" magazine

08-06-2016, 09:18
Back in N. Idaho for an open-water swimming event and visiting family .... a step-granddaughter had a birthday so we stopped at the Sandpoint Ace Hardware store to get a card. The store has a full rack of gun magazines, something you don't see in Portland. I dragged out my favorite, Rifle, and saw it had a cover/feature article on "The Ultimate Krag" which was about the Norwegian Krag in 6.5 x 55. I didn't get a chance to read the whole article but might stop in and buy the mag on my way to church (don't ask). Much as I was able to read before we had to move on, seemed like a pretty decent piece of journalism.


08-07-2016, 09:06
September 2016 issue. The PDF preview doesn't contain any of the article. Wolfe publishing. I tried to get a job with them once, thought they might like having another Robert Wolfe on staff, but I guess one is enough.

08-14-2016, 09:03
I sent them an article on spec once. It was a shooter's comparison between the M96 Swede and the Ljungman semi-auto. I had pictures and everything. Rejected! It was a pretty decent article, too.
