View Full Version : Question National Postal Meter Rebuild

08-16-2016, 02:03
I finally filled a hole in my American Collection and bought an M1 Carbine rebuilt at Rock Island. I'll post full pics of it on my days off. My friend went with me and bought a Rock Isaland Rebuild EB box stamp National Postal Meter carbine. We new the collector and he was selling 6 total. By the time we drove there 2 were left....the two we brought home.

My quick question for today is on this NPM rebuild. I have attached a pick. It has all the characteritics of a rebuild (type 3 band, type 2 rear sight, low wood-ser #4502528) except the saftey is a type 1 push button-smooth face is in the white.

So would R.I. Not change the safety to the later switch type, or has someone switched it back. I'll post pics of entire gun on my days off also. P.S. If I got any type parts wrong please correct me I've read a lot and shot these carbines and owned an Irver Johnson in the past but this is my first war production gun.

08-16-2016, 02:04

08-16-2016, 07:10
It could be one or the other as to why it was not changed. Maybe R.I.A. had run out of the upgraded safeties at the time. Maybe someone changed it back to a push safety. Anything is possible over a 70 year period. But considering that the magazine release, trigger and the trigger housing all appear to be refinished but not the safety I would hazard a guess that the safety has been changed.

08-16-2016, 08:35
It could be one or the other as to why it was not changed. Maybe R.I.A. had run out of the upgraded safeties at the time. Maybe someone changed it back to a push safety. Anything is possible over a 70 year period. But considering that the magazine release, trigger and the trigger housing all appear to be refinished but not the safety I would hazard a guess that the safety has been changed.
That was my unprofessional opinion to because it was in the white. The rest of it looks good. I'll post pics of both in the next few days so those with more experience can vet them.