View Full Version : Value of a very clean 1903A3 Smith Corona action
08-28-2016, 09:05
What is a good price for a clean original Smith Corona action? Not drilled all correct parts.37270
A lot would depend on its condition (muzzle/throat wear and headspace). For comparison purposes, there's a complete factory original 03-A3 rifle in unused condition posted on the WTS page on this forum. Your photo indicates that the rear sight is missing and R (Remington) is stamped on the bolt handle. SC bolts were blank or marked with X.
08-29-2016, 08:25
Sorry about not looking at the bolt closer, just got the pic. Guy just asked me what it was worth. Barrel is shortened and drilled, stock is all cut and even butt plate is gone. It is just an action. I told him he would be better off buying a nice complete one than trying to part it together as a restoration money wise.
08-29-2016, 09:19
for just an action? under 300.00
It sounds like what he has is a partially stripped 03-A3 that's been sporterized. Some internal parts may be salvageable. I've seen clean and functioning 03-A3 arsenal rebuilds at gun shows, dealers, etc. in their original military configuration that can be had for $700 to $900. I think you're correct, restoration would probably cost as much.
Darreld Walton
09-23-2016, 08:46
I'd deduct at LEAST $100 because the photo included the guy's toes, and those gawdawful pink ear protector thingies.......
09-23-2016, 11:15
PM sent
Richard H Brown Jr
09-24-2016, 01:25
Someone milled off the wedge that the 03-a3 rear sight was driven onto and pinned into place. Unless you make it a scoped rifle, it's useless to try and rebuild to a as-issued version
Someone milled off the wedge that the 03-a3 rear sight was driven onto and pinned into place. Unless you make it a scoped rifle, it's useless to try and rebuild to a as-issued version
If you right click the picture, copy and past to your desktop you can blow the picture up. The rear sight base is intact and has not been messed with.
Richard H Brown Jr
09-26-2016, 12:15
You maybe right, because the pix was overhead and not real close, it looked to me like the wedge shape where the rear sight assy was secured, had been milled away. And I was using the mental image of the rear sight area on my Remington A3 (sn 3768xxx range), in my mind that the sight assy was driven onto a wedge shape and punch secured. I admit to being wrong frequently, it's the human condition. 8*)
Taking my A3 out and looking in as close as my eyes permit, there does seem to be a ribbed area towards the front of where the rear sight assy goes, just behind the 5rd clip loading slot. Depending on how the rear sight assy was put on, he might be able to rebuild using N.O.S. parts, New Barrel (if it's totally shot out) and either a new cmp A3 stock or commercial replacement and fitted, or an original mil stock. But the cartouches would be missing or faked.
Anyone who has replaced the rear sight assy care to comment about the area around where the rear sight assy is supposed to be?
That shiny area where the ribbed part is, is the wedge shape you speak of. The ribbed area is what they either (earlier) ran a set screw into to secure the sight, or (later), just peened the sight in that area. I have several 1903A3 sporters with no rear sight, tapped however for scope bases. The one in the photo is intact and undisturbed. I'm assuming from the OP's description that it has barrel mounted sights.
Yes, one could find the appropriate barrel and stock plus hardware and restore it but it would be restored and the cost would still be iffy. If you had parts sitting around, well, I suppose what the heck. Any good shooter that's pretty much correct is worth $400-$600 give or take.
I know it's getting harder and harder to find sporter for decent prices anymore. I think I paid $340 for the last Smith Corona I picked up for the receiver which was drilled and tapped. Sold the scope and barrel and recouped some of it.
This is what I did with the receiver;
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