View Full Version : Unissued No.4 MK2's

09-03-2016, 07:21
A couple of years ago I grabbed these Enfields at an online auction. One still in the mummy wrap and the other out, but apparently unfired. They are consecutive serial numbers...UF A 15545 and 15546

This was the auction pic


And this is what I found when the rifles arrived


I have several other Unissued No4 MK2's, including my first No4, which I bought at a LGS years ago. I was cleaning out the safe this afternoon and noticed something about my old No4...UF A 15573-- only 27 numbers off my consecutive pair.

Maybe I'm easily amazed...but I'm somewhat amazed that these rifles, made within minutes of each other in merry olde England, less than a year after I was born , all ended up in the same safe, even though they were purchased many years apart and all the way across country from each other.




09-05-2016, 08:36
You did well buying these. Those are pretty rifles for sure. These all belonged to the same lot that was made for Ireland if I remember right??? They were unused and then later sold as surplus and those that did buy them got some really great rifles.

JB White
09-06-2016, 09:46
"Irish" was assigned to the rifles by US retailers. The Irish Contract rifles were actually part of the PF series, not the UF prefix.
Fazakerley finished up the Mk2 series in the UK and they were stored for war reserve. Latest research indicates many may have been originally intended for the RAF.
Either way and no matter the intent, they were stored and sold as surplus out of England in the early 90's. Ireland did sell off a batch, but as of 2001 a bunch were reported seen in government racks in Ireland.

09-07-2016, 04:08
Great looking rifles... I see they are for sale on the auction sites. I wish I could afford the $800...

09-08-2016, 07:09
You did well buying these. Those are pretty rifles for sure. These all belonged to the same lot that was made for Ireland if I remember right??? They were unused and then later sold as surplus and those that did buy them got some really great rifles.

Thanks, tuna.

I think JB White has it correct. "The Irish contract" Enfields were "PF" series rifles that ran between roughly PF309,000 and PF359,000

I have several of the PF series Enfields, including an "Irish" rifle.




09-08-2016, 07:17
Great looking rifles... I see they are for sale on the auction sites. I wish I could afford the $800...

Thanks, Red...I really lucked out with the consecutive pair. I got them at an online auction for $840 for the pair.


A year after I got them, a mummy wrapped UF rifle sold on GA for $1700.

JB White
09-10-2016, 01:54
They skyrocketed in price and then came down before leveling off. When they went up in price and people were actually paying, a lot of them came out of safes and closets as folks tried to cash in on their investments. The market demand saturated within a year.

Just this past year I sold a 55 Faz to a lodge brother/shooting buddy. $500 got him a seldom fired rifle capable of MOA on a nice day, along with the accoutrements.

12-26-2016, 08:29
Would you have any interest in selling one or know someone who might? I've been absolutely dying to get one.

John Sukey
12-29-2016, 06:42
Now I really feel old! Bought one at Montgomery Wards for around $20
That was a looong time ago!

12-29-2016, 09:19
Nice rifles. Great to see what they actually looked like when they were new.

12-29-2016, 10:00
Now I really feel old! Bought one at Montgomery Wards for around $20
That was a looong time ago!

$20.00 your kidding me....$20.00....a box of ammo costs that now....Good for you though.