View Full Version : trapdoor scope

09-10-2016, 10:51
This is for Mr. Hosmer some while back you posted something about mounts to mount scopes on the trapdoors so I am wondering how that turned out and what scopes you are using?

Also would like to see if my rifle's have any info on them in SRS?

Heirloom one is serial # 120996 stock cartouche 1879. The other one that will be the shooter is serial # 324063.


09-11-2016, 12:52
Scope on a trapdoor, Never heard of such a thing!:icon_lol:

And not telling


Tom Trevor
09-11-2016, 03:37
My rifle!!!!

Tom Trevor
09-13-2016, 01:09
I guess Dick did not see your post. 120996 is not listed closest is 120999 1880 to fifty Artillery. 324063 not listed closest 324124 co. c Bn. Engineers.

09-14-2016, 05:12
Thanks Tom appreciate it. With the serial number charts I was pretty sure it was a 1880 built one and the 324*** was a 1886.

45gov nice picture I figured that was the only way to put a scope on one as the proper era ones wouldn't clear the trapdoor. What range do you use? Get up here much or to Sac. for the sillywets up there?


Tom Trevor
09-14-2016, 05:31
That is my rifle at our private club range in Ventura county. Scope sits in a box on the shelf just a pain in the rump to use. No I do not get up north any longer.