View Full Version : M14, Parts Kit, H&R
10-04-2016, 04:02
I have a complete parts from a H&R M14, all GI parts marked H&R, no receiver, barrel is dated HR 7790190 6 62. can anyone tell me what value is, going to Gun Show this weekend and want to sell it. Tks in advance. Ed.
10-04-2016, 04:48
Hi Ed, If you are going to the Oaks gun show, this weekend, I would be interested in your parts kit....regards...alex
CMP was selling USGI M14 parts kits a few years ago for $600.00 each sans bbl and receiver. I imagine that M14 part kits have appreciated in value since then. Everything is dependent upon condition however, I'd estimate yours to be valued in the $700.00 range. HTH
S.A. Boggs
10-05-2016, 02:17
Start @ $1,000 and then come down. Who knows, you might be surprised and get it. The worst they can say is no.
With everything except receiver, you are looking at at least 12 - 15 hundred in today's market.
If you're going to Oaks, PA give me a shout.
Bob D
Jeff and Bula Forge will have a table at Oaks. Stop by and say hi. He is one of the few that are promoting our beloved M14 by producing receivers and parts.
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