View Full Version : In need of magnification

10-13-2016, 11:53
This forum seems like a good place for this query: Sadly, after passing 50, I find myself unable to make out tiny details/see small items. This has come on slowly over the years. I am farsighted and wear prescription glasses for reading and computer. This hyperopia really makes its presence known at the reloading bench, where even segregated brass by headstamp has become difficult. I'd like to better-see those headstamps, those triggers I am stoning, etc. Wouldn't want a hand-held device, as I'd be needing both hands free. A quick glance at Google shows lighted magnifying lamps ($$$), flip-down lenses you clip on your regular glasses and designated magnifying lenses mounted in a headset arrangement. Anyone with a suggested fix for my malady? I would think watch makers' glasses, with their 20X power, would bee too much. What is a good magnification for seeing small, rifle and ammo-related details? Thanks - Liam

10-13-2016, 01:00
I'm currently wearing progressives now for reading and computer. I can see at a distance, but small detail is a complete blur. My reading magnification is 2.75, and my progressives work well for me with reloading!

10-13-2016, 01:43
I saw a freestanding magnifying lamp on Craigslist for 75 bucks and didnt get it. I kick myself everytime I think about it. Try ebay?

I acquired an aircraft mechanic's tool box a few years ago that contained a hand held 10x lighted loupe. I think that is an ideal magnification for my reloading inspections.

Baton Rouge is a little too far to drive for a magnifying lamp, but here's one for 50 bucks.

10-13-2016, 01:45
Happened to me when I passed 40. It happened almost overnight. I thought I was getting cataracts and went to my ophthalmologist. He did a quick exam and chuckled when he said "you must have turned 40". I've been wearing reading glasses ever since while using my eyes for close-up work. I get my glasses at Dollar Tree. They have all strengths from about +1 to +4. You can try them on to see which ones suit you best. The frames are metal and the quality seems to be as good as the ones priced at $20. You can even get magnification sunglasses and like the name implies they are only $1 each.

10-14-2016, 10:24
Segregating brass by headstamp isn't necessary. However, less than $20 will buy you a magnifying glass with alligator clips. They're used for soldering wee parts.

10-14-2016, 02:08
Happened to me when I passed 40. It happened almost overnight. I thought I was getting cataracts and went to my ophthalmologist. He did a quick exam and chuckled when he said "you must have turned 40". I've been wearing reading glasses ever since while using my eyes for close-up work. I get my glasses at Dollar Tree. They have all strengths from about +1 to +4. You can try them on to see which ones suit you best. The frames are metal and the quality seems to be as good as the ones priced at $20. You can even get magnification sunglasses and like the name implies they are only $1 each.

I dreaded turning 40, but thanks to God, I still have great non corrected vision at 48. I can read the 1/16" characters on my phone, so I guess I'm good to go.

Litt'le Lee
10-15-2016, 10:29
no need for matched brass ??--all my pet loads are matched brass--proven !!!

10-16-2016, 06:24
Responses appreciated. As for "matched brass," I didn't intend to start anything. Simply, for me, I like to keep my expensive Lapua brass separated from my lowly LC and HXP brass. More of an appearance thing. I also wish to keep track of how many reloads the brass has experienced. However, for my buddy's .223 loads I do for him, there is a real need to separate his brass. He gives me a bag of used brass...some decent name brand stuff, and some surplus stuff. Some fired from his AR, some from his bolt-action CZ rifle. The former needs more attention than does the latter (I can merely neck size the CZ fodder). The NATO-marked surplus stuff has its primer staked and the primer pocket needs more attention than does the name brand stuff, as well. I'm not OCD (I don't think), but segregated brass is an only slightly time-consuming step I have gotten used to at my bench. And at loading time, my Lee handheld primer seater thanks me for my additional efforts.

Jim in Salt Lake
10-16-2016, 01:04
I use a drafting style light, fluorescent, that has a magnifying lens in the center. I also have a flip down visor with lens that works over your glasses. However, I'm the opposite of you and am nearsighted. When I take my glasses off, my myopia gives me natural magnification and I see very well out to about 18".

10-18-2016, 07:52
This forum seems like a good place for this query: Sadly, after passing 50, I find myself unable to make out tiny details/see small items. This has come on slowly over the years. I am farsighted and wear prescription glasses for reading and computer. This hyperopia really makes its presence known at the reloading bench, where even segregated brass by headstamp has become difficult. I'd like to better-see those headstamps, those triggers I am stoning, etc. Wouldn't want a hand-held device, as I'd be needing both hands free. A quick glance at Google shows lighted magnifying lamps ($$$), flip-down lenses you clip on your regular glasses and designated magnifying lenses mounted in a headset arrangement. Anyone with a suggested fix for my malady? I would think watch makers' glasses, with their 20X power, would bee too much. What is a good magnification for seeing small, rifle and ammo-related details? Thanks - Liam

I found the mad scientist glasses at my local area hobby shop. Money well spent.


Johnny P
10-19-2016, 06:52
Agree with Allen. Go to one of the discount stores and self fit yourself with some reading glasses. Had a friend that was an optician and complained to him that my near vision was getting bad. He pulled a set of glasses out of his desk drawer and told me to try them. Everything up close became sharp and clear, and was ready to be fitted. He told me to run down to Walgreens and I could get a pair just like them.

12-23-2016, 08:27
If you have a Cabelas type store with a fly shop, buy a pair of magnifying clip-ons for the reloading bench, then your work-place, etc,

They are really NICE!

12-24-2016, 12:52
I found the mad scientist glasses at my local area hobby shop. Money well spent.


This. I tried the magnifying stands and close-up readers, but these are very convenient, clip out of the way, and do the job well. Hardly even feel them on my head.

12-24-2016, 12:28
Clear Clip-on Flip-up Magnifying Reading Glasses