View Full Version : Reusing stripper clips.

10-15-2016, 05:48
I found about 30 from surplus ammo I shot up in the 80's. Is it possible to anneal the tabs so they won't break off?

10-15-2016, 06:32
With care, possibly. However, they are very delicate and easily damaged. For repeated use, you might want to look at the M-98 Mauser clips. I have some that I've been using since I got them about 1985. They can be used indefinitely. HTH. Sincerely. bruce.

10-15-2016, 07:50
Phillip the tabs on stripper clips for the carbine are delicate at best. If they are the original type with the built in guide then there really isn't a lot you can do. They are Korean war vintage and age gets to the brass tab as does wear. I have used some of the brass inserts from .223 strippers and they do work as a replacement but the are a bit longer then the originals. These also work for the later version used during Viet Nam like the .223 stripper with a separate guide. Last made in 1973.

10-15-2016, 08:35
Phillip the tabs on stripper clips for the carbine are delicate at best. If they are the original type with the built in guide then there really isn't a lot you can do. They are Korean war vintage and age gets to the brass tab as does wear. I have used some of the brass inserts from .223 strippers and they do work as a replacement but the are a bit longer then the originals. These also work for the later version used during Viet Nam like the .223 stripper with a separate guide. Last made in 1973.

Thanks, Tuna.

Bruce, I was referring to carbine ammo, not 3006.