View Full Version : Interesting auction on a 1911 Navy

10-17-2016, 04:54
Here's one to watch for entertainment purposes. It's already climbed pretty high on the price.


Mike Josephic
10-18-2016, 02:16
It will be really interesting to see where this ends up. It was only listed yesterday (Sunday)
evening and within a few hours was already over $7K. I'm betting it tops $20K before it's over.

10-18-2016, 09:28
Mike. I bet not. The 1913 at Julia's or the one at Morphy's last year were the 20K range condition. Just a guess. Obviously those of us with many Navy M1911s hope you're correct.

10-18-2016, 02:46
Is that the correct mag? Cannot see if keyhole. Baseplate not exposed.

10-19-2016, 07:07
NW Armory is high bidder on a Jack the Dog auction? Aren't they the only 2 guys selling on Auction Arms anymore? Have they sunk to buying up each others stuff?

10-19-2016, 08:02
I'm sure NW would like to have the pistol @ the current bid price. For that money they could re-sell at a profit---can't blame them for that but others will be bidding on it too I'm sure.

10-21-2016, 10:34
If a 1911 Navy brings that kind of $$$ then maby it is time to sell my 1913 that I've had for about 50 yrs. Mine has the correkt mag too.

10-21-2016, 10:40
If a 1911 Navy brings that kind of $$$ then maby it is time to sell my 1913 that I've had for about 50 yrs. Mine has the correkt mag too.

They do. I have a 4 digit Navy (1912) but not in this nice of condition. The last few years I've seen similar Colts sell for around $10,000. Now, like always, it depends upon the economy, who is wanting it and how deep their pockets are. At least this one on auction has no reserve so we can see what they bring.

Ed P
10-26-2016, 06:11
Clawson says that the key hole mags were issued through id 1913 at around 40000. So it could be correct.

10-30-2016, 05:58
Looks like it ran out of gas a week ago for $ 9,005.

10-30-2016, 06:02
Looks like it ran out of gas a week ago for $ 9,005.

Yes it did. It reached that amount I believe within the first 2 days. Usually the bids pour in at the last second---didn't happen this time. I won't say bargain but someone got a good buy. Glad I wasn't the seller.

10-31-2016, 12:21
Looks good,---all the wear seems to match. (Could that left grip been changed?)