View Full Version : Garands of the Shah of Iran

10-27-2016, 06:55
Found this interesting little piece on Iranian Garands , I thought all you Garand lovers might enjoy it , I did.
You don't see many International Harvester's, it explains one reason why.


Clark Howard
10-28-2016, 07:04
After the mullahs took over Iran, most of the US trained officers and NCOs were murdered by the muz government.

10-29-2016, 01:39
Absolutely incredible!


Viking Guy
10-30-2016, 09:29
We used to fly in and out of Bandar Abbas, Iran 1975-76, and all the Iranian troops had M-1s. I was never able to note as to whether they were Winchester, IH, or Springfields. During the same time frame, we were in Tai Pei, Taiwan a lot and all the troops there had M-1s. On the flight line were numerous C-47s, C-46s, and C-119 Flying Boxcars. Off on the side I saw what (it was a long time ago) looked like several A/B-26s and B-25s in essentially a boneyard.

10-30-2016, 07:58
After the mullahs took over Iran, most of the US trained officers and NCOs were murdered by the muz government.

A slight bit of hyberbole; while true many were killed others werse merely imprisoned and later served in the war against Iraq. A great may others left the country and moved to Europe or the USA, and elsewhere.

Griff Murphey
11-12-2016, 05:53
A slight bit of hyberbole; while true many were killed others werse merely imprisoned and later served in the war against Iraq. A great may others left the country and moved to Europe or the USA, and elsewhere.

We have an Iranian Colonel in our gun club. He has a bunch of bolt guns and is an enthusiastic shooter. Very friendly guy.