View Full Version : SNC Por Favor

Richard H Brown Jr
10-31-2016, 08:18
SN check for a M1903 Springfield receiver sn: 103054X dtd Nov 1918, with an electro penciled "R" bolt sn: 37768X with a M1905 ladder sight WITHOUT the long distance volley notch in the top bar. and an RIA 1-18 barrel. Mixmaster parts with a replacement scant stock with only the (P) cartouche. Suspicious pipe wrench like scratches on the barrel down the last 4-5 inches toward the barrel.


Rick the Librarian
11-01-2016, 12:11
Kind of hard when you leave out a number!! :) But nothing in that range - the nearest hit is 081.

Richard H Brown Jr
11-03-2016, 01:55
Dear Liberius Extrodinaire:

Thanks, anyways.

Why did I leave off the last sn? Cause a run of 10 sn's would tend to give possible shipping data if the exact rifle wasn't listed.
"So 3 rifles went to XXX then my rifle with no info, and then 6 rifles went here..." "So it either went to 1 of 2 places (probably)."


Johnny P
11-03-2016, 06:11
The SRS records tend to be individual rifles rather than shipments of rifles. I don't know about Springfield Armory, but by that time none of the contractors were shipping weapons in numerical serial number order.

Rick the Librarian
11-03-2016, 06:33
The SRS records tend to be individual rifles rather than shipments of rifles. I don't know about Springfield Armory, but by that time none of the contractors were shipping weapons in numerical serial number order.

+1 !