View Full Version : Weapons that don't sound like the comic books
I remember when I was in Infantry Training Regiment in California after bootcamp in 1971. We were doing familiarization fire with various weapons. The first marine to shoot the 3.5 M20 "Bazooka" steps forward to shoot. I'm thinking to myself I would now hear a large "Whooossshhhh" such as portrayed in Sgt. Rock comic books. My world was shattered when the damn thing went off with a tremendous "Kabammm!!!". I damn near fell to my knees with the shock of that sound! What an awakening for this boot. I also remember the first time I heard a 81 mortar fire. Again, the comics told me it would go "thump" so I didn't put my ear plugs first. The 106 recoilless rifle was in a class of its own when it came to noise and I gave another marine my round to shoot since by that time even with earplugs my head was ringing. Anyway, was anybody else surprised by the noise these weapons made after being raised on comic book wars? Or am I the only Dolt on this forum??
When firing the 90mm recoilless rifle from the prone, I didn't like the perpendicular firing position so I took a position forming a 45 degree angle from the weapon. So much more comfortable, until I touched off a round. The back blast picked me up and threw me forward of the weapon. For the rest of the day I was deaf in my right ear and my right leg was numb from the waist down.
Major Tom
11-17-2016, 05:19
The M40 grenade launcher surprised me! Sounded just like my old ping pong gun I had as a kid.
The M40 grenade launcher surprised me! Sounded just like my old ping pong gun I had as a kid.
And you can see it going down range.
11-18-2016, 09:51
I still have a stash of Sgt. Rock comics.
Griff Murphey
11-20-2016, 04:48
I still have a stash of Sgt. Rock comics.
"Viiip!" "Spaang!!" And "Beeow!" Thompsons went "Budda Budda!" And German MGs went "Rat-tat-TAT!" While the American belt feds went "TAKA-TAKA-TAKA!" My stash dusappeared. Who could forget the nazi hands reaching to close conning towers or turret hatches with the little swastika charm bracelets? Just as one of our guys got a pineapple through the hole!
The 90 reckless was the one crew served weapon I fired that was genuinely frightening.
11-21-2016, 02:19
"Viiip!" "Spaang!!" And "Beeow!" Thompsons went "Budda Budda!" And German MGs went "Rat-tat-TAT!" While the American belt feds went "TAKA-TAKA-TAKA!" My stash dusappeared. Who could forget the nazi hands reaching to close conning towers or turret hatches with the little swastika charm bracelets? Just as one of our guys got a pineapple through the hole!
The 90 reckless was the one crew served weapon I fired that was genuinely frightening.
And pistols went CRACK! CRACK!
I bought them from the drugstore in Dad's office building and then a friend's older brother gave me a bunch of old ones when it was 'Our Army at War'.
Major Tom
11-23-2016, 11:18
My Grampa loved watching the Lone Ranger back in the '50s. When one of the actors would fire his pistol with an overhand slinging motion he would laugh his butt off.
Actually, if you are familiar with the writings of Elmer Keith, he said that is the best way to shoot off of horseback. I don't ride horses so I don't really know, but old Elmer was the real deal as far as being a shooter and cowboy goes.
Or am I the only Dolt on this forum??
After a quick check of the members directory I can confirm that you are, indeed, the only Dolt on this forum! :icon_lol:
The sound of a hand grenade going off was different than I thought. That and the sound of mortar and artillery impacts.
While it might no be a weapon, this is one is something in movies that is much different- you can't hear anything on a helicopter except the helicopter. The movies show people talking in normal conversational tones. The only ones who can do that are those wearing headsets.
12-25-2016, 04:45
I served as a Ballistic Tech. at one point in my US Army career, and have fired all sorts of heavy weapons. The loudest ear ringers that I experienced would be the 76mm main gun on a tank (Super sonic crack), The old Quad 50s anti aircraft guns and the M-106 recoiless rifle. And You have never heard a real noise until You Have fired a 4000 round burst through a Vulcan.
Good Shooting
The TOW and LAW were different than I expected. The blast of an explosion instead of the woosh of a rocket.
On the other hand a A10 sounded just like I expected.
I served as a Ballistic Tech. at one point in my US Army career, and have fired all sorts of heavy weapons. The loudest ear ringers that I experienced would be the 76mm main gun on a tank (Super sonic crack), The old Quad 50s anti aircraft guns and the M-106 recoiless rifle. And You have never heard a real noise until You Have fired a 4000 round burst through a Vulcan.
Good Shooting
I heard a towed Vulcan dump its basic load into the Panamanian Naval Infantry barracks near Colon, Panama during Just Cause. In my mind's eye I can still see the tracers flying.
Major Tom
01-09-2017, 04:51
In 'Nam, 1966, "Puff the Magic Dragon" would circle and lay down some extreme sh!t on it's target. At night, from our position, you could not hear the plane or fireing, but WOW it was beautiful!
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