View Full Version : Lithuanian M14's
11-17-2016, 03:26
A few lucky Lithuanians made the deal of the century picking up an Honest to God M14 for 350 Euros.
Now they want them back.
:mad:Our tax payer dollars at work.
Americans should have been given a chance at those
Griff Murphey
11-17-2016, 08:01
We had it, in the bag, ATF had signed off on a defanging procedure, I understand the DCM actually had a warehouse full awaiting gunsmithing before resale to us.
So.... Bill Clinton gave the guns away to the Baltic Nations so we could not have them. If the Lithuanians return them Ricky Tick maybe Trump can get them modded and we can buy then through CMP.
Dan Shapiro
11-17-2016, 08:17
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. All 3 were supplied with M14's
11-18-2016, 04:33
I remind you.........."once a machine gun.................................."
Clark Howard
11-18-2016, 06:06
This rule will only last as long as the NFA.
" them through CMP..." They'd be chopped as unregisterable Class 3 kit. Semi-auto receivers the ATF were running around collecting several years ago. S'what happens when unelected civil servants are allowed to make law by regulation.
SemperFi, 0321
11-22-2016, 09:06
I believe Peru got a bunch too, long time ago. There were pics of one of our presidents walking past an honor guard all presenting M-14's. Always wondered where and why those came from.
I still have my M-14 ser # from boot camp on my rifle range score book (Expert!), now If I could only find my 1911A1 ser#. I was unit armorer and picked myself a nice US&S I shot high expert with. Would love to find it at CMP.
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