View Full Version : M1 Garand Rebuilders?

11-26-2016, 05:09
It's been several years since I've visited the site and it's getting about time for me to get back into things.
I'm sure this has been asked many times before, but my searches on the site did not bring back much info so I'll ask again.

I have a Garand receiver and parts kit I'd like to have rebuilt into a functioning rifle and am looking for suggestions on whom to send it to. When I was still on the site it looked like Dean's Gun Resotration was the place to send it to, but I've since read that Dean has passed and was wondering about the quality of the work they are now doing.
Other options appear to be Orion 7.

Just looking for suggestions on them or anyone else to consider. Not looking for a Match grade rifle, just looking for a nice shooting rifle with new wood, barrel and have the old parts reparkerized to match.

Litt'le Lee
11-26-2016, 05:57
if you want the best-my gun plumber


Ted Brown
11-27-2016, 12:30
A lot of folks overlook us because we have an excellent reputation for work on M14 rifles, but Shooters Den has always worked on Garands and offered complete accurizing services too. We are one of few shops that maintain and use a complete inventory of original GI gages and tools for US service rifles.

11-27-2016, 03:30
If you're in the Michigan/Ohio/Indiana area, Tim Shufflin at Shuff's Parkerizing is the way to go. Tim does absolutely excellent work and is reasonable in price!

Major Tom
11-27-2016, 04:02
Dean's wife, of DGR, still runs the business and has kept all past employees. I have to assume their quality work is still great.

11-28-2016, 10:27
You can also check out CMP's custom shop!

11-28-2016, 11:16
Dean's wife, of DGR, still runs the business and has kept all past employees. I have to assume their quality work is still great.

Dean and his wife have passed away but you can call Michelle at DGR.

11-29-2016, 09:15
38534 Hey Bucksnort101, if I downloaded this pix ok, this is a rack grade M1 I picked up years ago at Camp Perry that DGR built for me about a year ago! New wood , barrel , some metal and a refinish. Very happy!

11-29-2016, 09:25
3853638537Here's a couple more....

11-29-2016, 01:03
A lot of folks overlook us because we have an excellent reputation for work on M14 rifles, but Shooters Den has always worked on Garands and offered complete accurizing services too. We are one of few shops that maintain and use a complete inventory of original GI gages and tools for US service rifles.

i can attest to Ted's work! he's built 2 M14 types for me and went WAY BEYOND "the call of duty" in getting the Entreprise Arms receiver built. it was a real POS but he managed to get it taken care of and it functioned like a charm...

11-30-2016, 06:24
Nice looking rifle. Mind if I ask what grade of stock did you get from DGR?

11-30-2016, 10:16
That is the semi fancy walnut stock. Hand guards look darker in the pictures but match pretty good.

12-01-2016, 07:50
Here is a nice figured GI birch stock with a BLO finish, took some time to find the matching

12-04-2016, 06:36
Dean and his wife have passed away but you can call Michelle at DGR.

Yep DGR does good work Google Deans Gun Restoration Here's the phone # 423 562 2010

01-09-2017, 06:08
Well, it's off to DGR for a new barrel and some medium fancy furniture. Hopefully it's back in my hands as spring has sprung here in Minnesota, which the last couple years hasn't been until June!

Dan Shapiro
01-09-2017, 07:35
DGR +++

Good people. Miss Dean. Enjoyed talking to him when they lived in the DPRK and showed up at the DelMar gun show

Litt'le Lee
01-10-2017, 05:25

01-10-2017, 06:41
Well, I called and spoke with Michelle yesterday and she was setting up UPS postage for me and have the packing label sent to my e-mail address. Have not received it yet, tried to both e-mail and call them today and got no response. Wonder what's up there, hopefully just very busy.

Nice stash there Litt'le Lee, mind if I borrow them sometime;)
Why does the middle receiver in the 3rd picture look so much bigger than the two flanking it?

Litt'le Lee
01-10-2017, 09:16
Well, I called and spoke with Michelle yesterday and she was setting up UPS postage for me and have the packing label sent to my e-mail address. Have not received it yet, tried to both e-mail and call them today and got no response. Wonder what's up there, hopefully just very busy.

Nice stash there Litt'le Lee, mind if I borrow them sometime;)
Why does the middle receiver in the 3rd picture look so much bigger than the two flanking it?

distance from camera different--5000000 on right was bought june 6 06--opening morning of south store-the rifle is unfired
had stock and trigger group replaced but the face of the bolt was pristine-never fired--1000.000 on left is 308 built by west texas ord,med barrel barnett/douglas--she's a shooter