View Full Version : Srs request please

12-01-2016, 02:49
I just acquired a 1903 Springfield with some USMC features, serial number is 1,329,957. Sedgley (circle S barrel with flaming bomb. 7-44 date, stippled butt plate, unmarked Scant stock, reportedly came from San Diego from its previous owner. no import marks.
Any help appreciated, Merry Christmas to all!

Dan M in Fla.

12-01-2016, 03:12
Not listed. Here are the two closest:

1,329,762 NMC 04/14/30 DCM RIFLE SALES 1922-42
1,329,981 04/12/37 NANSEMOND OD

12-02-2016, 03:36
When you see how the 1903 rifles rolled into the Marine Corps by the shipments, it's uncommon to see Marine rifles from this serial range. As there were only two ways one this high of a serial could have made it into the Marines.

But I will send you a PM detailing more.

Richard H Brown Jr
12-02-2016, 10:36
Just to butt in:

Did a fast google check and NASEMOND OD *probably* means Nasemond Ordnance Depot. U.S. Army Ordnace had opened Pig Point Ordnance Depot in 1917 for receiving ordnance to ship over to Europe in WW1. 1918-1929 It was used to mutions sorting, storage and disposal. Renamed in 1929 to Nansemond Ordnance Depot. It closed in 1960's. And after blocks of old TNT were found in the locale, the site was investigated and placed in 1999 on the EPA superfund Nation Priority List.

So it may be a U.S. Army issued 1903. Goggle/Yahoo Nasemond Ordnance Depot for more info.

R. Brown