View Full Version : LN 340000 ish

12-07-2016, 06:00
Came across a ln in the 340000 range... Springfield as she were... Strangest thing though, from what i've learned from Steve and Rick, Bob and some others around the forum, she seems original... Like as in, a very nice rear recoil bolt stock, proper sights and bolts a 4 or 9/08SA barrel... Slick butplate, and, just, wow... The bad part though, $4k... What say ye... i am by no means going to pick this one up, but i thought you gents would have more of an idea...
i'll see if my friend will allow a few pictures...
bombdog, over...

Rick the Librarian
12-08-2016, 08:49
With what M1903s are going for these days, I think that rifle, for that price, better be the personal rifle of Alvin York or John Pershing! :)

John Beard
12-08-2016, 03:41
Although a rifle or two in that serial range and in new condition have fetched prices at auction recently approaching that figure, they are very much the exception and not the rule. About 2/3rds that price would be more reasonable, but still near top dollar.


12-10-2016, 07:40
All i know is i almost inadvertently bought it because i almost completely blacked out... i figured that was a bit high... i was going offer him 2... What can he say, 'no'???
Preciate the input guys...
bombdog, out...

12-18-2016, 07:29
Gosh, for $4,000.00, the rifle ought to have all of its original components, stock and hand guard included. It should have almost all of its original Finish on the metal and the original stock and hand guard should be un sanded or altered with all edges and surfaces sharp and un messed with. It ought to have a nice bore too.
in other words, the rifle ought to be All Original and all correct. A wonderfully preserved specimen of an all original 1903 Springfield.
The one 1903 of mine that I didn't sell and that I intend to keep is one such rifle.
Theyre out there still, some unnoticed.