View Full Version : safe conduct pass Viet Nam
photo shows the safe conduct pass with the twenty round M16 magazine, anyone seen a safe conduct pass with
the later thirty round magazine ?38837
12-21-2016, 11:18
A local range owner, a retired Colonel, 1st Air Cav, told me the Vietnam War was fought with 20's, although I know in the last days 30's were there.
BTW, thanks for all your ammo posts, I've learned much from you.
Vern Humphrey
12-21-2016, 05:38
Twenty round magazines were used initially, and had to be downloaded to 19 rounds for reliability. The plastic wrapper is part of the Cheu Hoi ("rallier") program. The aim was to entice VC to come over to the Government side. Many Cheu Hois were enlisted in the Kit Carson Scouts -- and if I were a descendant of Kit Carson, I'd sue over that!
High Plaines Doug r
12-21-2016, 07:30
I was with the 1st Cav until Dec 31st 1970 and we had about 4 for the whole company; One for each platoon and one or so for the pay officer who came out once a month with our script and carried that CAR-15 or whatever it was that none of us trusted. Point guy got 1st dibbs on the 30 rounder if he wanted it and was traded off through rotation. Put 30 rounds in it or only 29? We didn't know.
Our Kit Carson Scouts worked pretty hard for us if you didn't piss them off. They were Mhong and didn't have much use for the "civilized" Vietnamese or our ring knockers but if they thought something was up; they'd clean and stack their magazines by their holes, show us and say: " Bou coup gook come". Worked pretty good to tighten up our stuff when it was hanging out even if nothing came of it.
Clark Howard
12-22-2016, 05:50
The Mhong were our best, (only?) friends in that war. The dems shamed our country when they abandoned the little people to their communist pals. Regards, Clark
12-27-2016, 08:50
I still have several of the bags, In 67 and 68, 20 round mags loaded with 18 rounds, In middle to late 71 we were issued 30 round mags which were fully loaded, I was with the 101 airborne (airmobile) when they were issued. I never saw the bags for a 30 rounder.
01-03-2017, 11:12
Noslack eh?
He is using code here....2nd Battalion, 327 Infantry which for reasons unknown adopted No Slack for its motto and this battalion was (and still is) an ass kicking unit. It has always had a unique character to it and brought out the hard core fighting traits of its men. I've been in that outfit....commanded two companies in it and its the best Infantry unit I ever been in or seen .
As to the wrappers...only ever seen them for 20 rd magazines.
and there were 3 flavors of turn coats (patriots)...Chieu Hoi, Hoi Chanh and Kit Carson. All had better ethics than todays Democrats.....and thats a low bar .
01-03-2017, 08:48
Noslack eh?
He is using code here....2nd Battalion, 327 Infantry which for reasons unknown adopted No Slack for its motto and this battalion was (and still is) an ass kicking unit. It has always had a unique character to it and brought out the hard core fighting traits of its men. I've been in that outfit....commanded two companies in it and its the best Infantry unit I ever been in or seen .
As to the wrappers...only ever seen them for 20 rd magazines.
and there were 3 flavors of turn coats (patriots)...Chieu Hoi, Hoi Chanh and Kit Carson. All had better ethics than todays Democrats.....and thats a low bar .
Best Infantry unit I served with, However I was a FO for company A, CPT McDermott was the Co a two time DSC winner. As I remember when saluting an officer it was customary to say " No Fu--ing Slack Sir".
A waffled 20 round AR magazine? I'm skeptical.
The waffled 20 rd mags were meant to be used and discarded. That was what came in the plastik envelopes.
In theory you were supposed to step on the empty and crush it.
I saw them, but don't remember ever carrying any.
Here are some bags available for sale:
If I'm not mistaken that equals to about $18 US - Ouch!!! And undoubtedly + postage from England.
I sent a bunch of those home just for S & Gs. At that price I've got a dozen or so I'd sell!
Sarge, I agree too much for sandwich bags.
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