View Full Version : MAS 45 poor ejector performance

12-31-2016, 11:43
This may have been asked in the past, but if so, I forgot the response. Had a 45 out yesterday and saw the usual ejection problem.

I have had have many MAS 45 rifles through the years and never had good ejection of the empties unless I slammed the bolt open fast and hard. I made a new ejectors with some added height and altered shape but never had much success. Most of the empties ended up resting on the top of the magazine with common bolt operation.

Has anyone seen this situation also and have there been any successful alterations to the ejector that worked?

12-31-2016, 01:05
What condition is the rifle in? Many were imported & sold that were brand new. I have one but it so long since I shot it I do not remember how it was. However your problem is probably not the ejector but rather the extractors. They may be holding the cartridge so tight it takes a hard 'slam' to eject the case. This condition could last till the rifle got some serious use! Working the bolt briskly (not 'slamming') will not hurt anything! The left extractor is really just a spring to hold cartridge in place against the bolt face, the right is the hook which pulls it out. The left side of case must hit ejector hard enough to throw case out to the right, not hard enough and it just drops down.