View Full Version : Farmer's Steaming Manure Pile of a Book.
01-07-2017, 08:53
Mr. Farmer
I read it again last night for the umpteenth time. Thank you from putting together your time and effort towards the book. This resource has been a great help to me and my understanding of things Krag.
Those who are new to Krags need to buy this book.
Thank you again and have a great 2017.
Dick Hosmer
01-08-2017, 08:10
While I have some purely personal complaints about the writing style, the information (the only thing that really matters) is absolutely first-rate - far better than Brophy or Mallory. I heartily recommend the book, as well.
01-08-2017, 08:40
So what's the title? Just transferred a Krag to a friend, and lately Obama-nomics have put several nice ones into the LGS. May have to break my 'no new calibers' pledge.
Dick Hosmer
01-08-2017, 11:31
or, title is "Farmer's Notes, Vol. 6, US Military Krags"
01-08-2017, 12:22
or, title is "Farmer's Notes, Vol. 6, US Military Krags"
Will do. Thank you.
01-08-2017, 04:51
Mr. Farmer
I read it again last night for the umpteenth time. Thank you from putting together your time and effort towards the book. This resource has been a great help to me and my understanding of things Krag.
Those who are new to Krags need to buy this book.
Thank you again and have a great 2017.
That book is here:
Free tank paper is here:
Volume 2 is 90% done. Has been for a couple of months. It'll be out before summer. How soon before depends on writing block. Well, let's not call it "block" as it's general laziness. Which is so much better.
Dick probably won't like the writing style....
I have another book done but it's part of a two book set and that same laziness is affecting the second. Not same genre though. I want them done by summer also but we'll see.
Mark Daiute
01-08-2017, 06:36
was my favorite book i 2015
01-08-2017, 09:34
I got to say I actually like the writing style. And the information is more than complete. It is .. global .. universal .. galactic! Whatever!! When I get back from Thailand, I'll write something up for the "books" forum here. Keep up the good work, 5!
01-09-2017, 05:36
Sorry Joe... I still haven't ordered a copy, a mistake I hope to rectify this week!
01-09-2017, 11:41
So what's the title?
It's a quote from the book. I only use in a respectful way.
"steaming manure pile"------some how that does not sound like a compliment to me!
01-11-2017, 02:59
See Part 14 where Mr. Farmer (Praise be Unto Him*) talks about others wirting a Krag book. The word came from on high and is written in the Book. "Make it entertaining, too. Refer to my book as 'Farmer's Steaming Manure Pile of a Book.' I'll chuckle."
Best regards.
*There's Jesus, Joe Farmer, and then the rest of the prophets.
01-17-2017, 06:30
See Part 14 where Mr. Farmer (Praise be Unto Him*) talks about others wirting a Krag book. The word came from on high and is written in the Book. "Make it entertaining, too. Refer to my book as 'Farmer's Steaming Manure Pile of a Book.' I'll chuckle."
Best regards.
*There's Jesus, Joe Farmer, and then the rest of the prophets.
I chuckled.
Rick the Librarian
01-29-2017, 07:23
What will Volume 2 cover? (to differentiate it from Vol "6") My apologies if this has been already discussed.
Dick Hosmer
01-29-2017, 06:58
I've been waiting for him, but, if I understand the situation, the Krag book (V6) was - due to demand - pushed out earlier than orginally intended. Some years back he embarked on a truly massive data-gathering "research" project, involving such things as patents, OD personnel, material supply contracts, etc., forming a sort of grand matrix, of great interest to him, but probably not as "popular" a topic as the Krag. I do not know if he plans any other weapons specific books, and I do not know which number (1-5, or 7-?) of his planned series is to come next. It is a monster project, AFAIK done more as an intellectual exercise than anything else. He'll have to give us the specifics, and clean up my effort at explanation.
01-29-2017, 07:54
What will Volume 2 cover? (to differentiate it from Vol "6") My apologies if this has been already discussed.
Part two is basically done. Waiting to buy one last item and then take pictures. It'll be out by summer at the latest.
I've been waiting for him, but, if I understand the situation, the Krag book (V6) was - due to demand - pushed out earlier than orginally intended. Some years back he embarked on a truly massive data-gathering "research" project, involving such things as patents, OD personnel, material supply contracts, etc., forming a sort of grand matrix, of great interest to him, but probably not as "popular" a topic as the Krag. I do not know if he plans any other weapons specific books, and I do not know which number (1-5, or 7-?) of his planned series is to come next. It is a monster project, AFAIK done more as an intellectual exercise than anything else. He'll have to give us the specifics, and clean up my effort at explanation.
Volume 1-5. The other stuff. Strangely they're mainly done in so many ways. The problem is I need to get to stuff to take photos. That won't happen until after I move to Florida. So two years from now. It'll take a bit to get through it all.
I found that Vol 6, Part 1 came in very handy. Those that imply it has no use are hereby disproved.
Books are taking second place lately.
Given a choice, would you worry about writing books are spend time with a little Pumpkin?
I can see why your are distracted. Good for you
Rick the Librarian
01-30-2017, 06:55
Save me a copy ... Vol. 6 was definitely not your normal reference book, but one cannot say it wasn't interesting! Agreed with more than I thought I would! LOL!
Mark Daiute
02-07-2017, 11:29
I am a farmer at heart. I miss working on a farm and I miss having my own cows. I truly love the smell of cow manure. Steaming cow manure is especially special, especially on a cold winter morning.
I'll repeat myself: "best book I read in 2015".
I want to push the book on another forum but I don't want to come across like a broken record-Sycophant. In the interest of spreading knowledge like manure on a field I think I'll have to get over that fear unless someone else wants to take up the mantle.
03-05-2017, 06:40
Part 2 details. (
Should be in from the printer by the 15th actually. Assuming some natural disaster didn't happen between me and them. If one did it's going to be sad.
03-05-2017, 06:45
Not that anyone here is going to buy them but the next two should be out by the end of this month as well. Under a pen name. Nothing to do with military. Written for the fairer sex in fact.
I mention that as the rest of the "Notes" was waiting for me to push those out. "Part 2," both parts of "Volume 6" in fact, really weren't part of the set.
I have no idea when the next volumes will go out. Mixed emotions about the timing. It's really "this" and "that" and there is great benefit to working them together as "this" will benefit from "that" and "that" will benefit from "this." Problem is "this" requires me to take out each and every item for photos whereas "that" doesn't need photos. If that makes any sense.
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