View Full Version : Krag bolt replacement

02-05-2017, 04:09
I was in Tropp's Gun Shop in Elizabethtown, Pa., and one of the many shop "experts" was trying to replace the bolt in a Model 1896 rifle. The owner, a Marine from the Vietnam era, had taken it out to clean the bore and couldn't get it back in, so he went to the gun shop.

I watched from a few yards and thought it was an 03 then walked closer and watched the fun. I asked if I could take a look. The bolt was in the fired position and that was how the clerk was trying to put it in. I showed them how to cock the bolt and put it in the rifle.

The owner asked the clerk if he owed him anything and he said no and quickly walked away. He then asked me what he owed me anything. I said no and he followed me and we discussed the rifle a bit more and some of his service experiences. Interesting!

02-05-2017, 06:19
I think it's great that you came to his rescue from an obviously unknowledgeable clerk. Also, that you took the time to educate someone who is obviously interested in the antique rifles such as the Krag. Far too many people out there look on our beloved Krags like they are dinosaurs... but we all know just how important and valuable they are in the US military pantheon!