View Full Version : Mysterious 15" U.S. Marked Socket Bayonet

02-06-2017, 05:23
Recently I came across a representative Model 1870 rifle at a local gun shop. While so "safe queen" it does seem to be all original and still in the white albeit with a fair bit if rust and pitting. Since I was missing that particular model and the price was reasonable ($700) it managed to follow me home.

Along with the rifle was a "U.S." market socket bayonet attached to the muzzle of the rifle. I didn't think much of the bayonet and only today started to clean it up with a little steel wool and Kroil. The more I worked with it the more it looked odd. I measured it and the socket is exactly 2 15/16" long and approximately .785" inside diameter but the blade is only 15" long. I looked through my references and can't identify which arm it was made for but apparently it wasn't a Model 1870! I am now rummaging around in "American Socket Bayonets and Scabbards" but find that laborious with nothing yet identified.

Pictures follow with apologies for the quality. Any help would certainly be appreciated......


Dick Hosmer
02-06-2017, 09:55
Well, since it fits a .50-70, it would also fit any of the musket derivitives. It is not narrowed like the arsenal cadet mods, and it is shorter than the usual examples of them, so, perhaps it was done by an outside source. As long as you have Reilly's (excellent) reference, I'll let you have the thrill of discovery - or not, as the case may be. Right now my money would be on Bannerman.

Dan Shapiro
02-07-2017, 04:02
There are times when I really wish that Bannerman had stamped everything he screwed with! Have an acquaintance who once showed me his pride and joy, a M1861 Springfield Musket. Well it was marked "1861" and it had a Springfield marked lock. The barrel had the appropriate proof marks but had been cut down, it was a 2-banded musket. The forward several inches of the barrel had been expertly turned-down so that the M1855 bayonet would fit. The two rear-most screws for the trigger guard where upholstery screws w/washer. It was obviously a Bannerman put-together with salvaged parts.