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View Full Version : Sears Model 20 - military?

02-13-2017, 08:31
Saw a 20" Sears model 20 (which is similar to high standard) at a gunshow with ord. markings and cartouche on plan walnut butt stocks. Anywhere ever see one of these. Nothing jumped out as particularly offensive about the configuration or markings.

02-13-2017, 01:28
Nah. Always remember, the ONLY guns that got a stock cartouche are CONTRACT guns. Many guns were adopted into service, but since they were not made under contract they would not have a cartouche because that was applied at the factory as an acceptance stamp.

02-14-2017, 07:36
Hummm....If I recall the Model 20 stock uses an Ithaca type hollowed out butt stock. I did not study the gun enough but I think the inspector mark was W. S.

02-14-2017, 04:53
There is no known shotgun inspector WS

There is a WB, but found on Winchesters.