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View Full Version : Military 00 Buck Ammo Box

02-17-2017, 06:56
I just wanted to share a picture of an ammo box I picked up. I thought it was cool. Interesting it says 120 rounds. I could get 175 rounds in 25 round boxes in it easily. You could probably get 200 rounds in it using the ten round boxes. Does anybody know what time frame it is from? I know they have used this style box since the Vietnam era.

Clark Howard
02-18-2017, 06:07
I do know that the ammunition in that box was in 5 round cardboard boxes. Regards, Clark

02-18-2017, 07:59
Sir the can is a Vietnam era ammo can the ammo was packed in 10 rounds to a foil wrapped carton I have some ammo with lot number WCC 6018 the package is dated January of 1966 the cans were packed 2 to a wooden wrapped crate hope this helps you

James B.
02-18-2017, 09:02
Nice can. JJM is correct, Vietnam era packed in 10 rd. boxes 12 boxes in the can. I'll try to post a pic. of the box that was originally in the can. No guarantee it will work. The sealed box is dated April - '67.
James B.

See below post for pics.

02-18-2017, 09:12
They have used that style box since long before the SEA War Games. Same style can as .30 M2 and .50 BMG in some aircraft and vehicles.

James B.
02-18-2017, 02:55
Here's a try at loading pics. in posts. Fingers crossed.
James B.

02-19-2017, 05:34
Thanks everyone. I did not expect it to be Vietnam War era. I have one box of 1970's US Military 00 Buck shells kicking around some where. I've put the ammo box back to it's original use now. It may be the only box I have that the markings match the contents.

02-20-2017, 11:16
Clark the 5 round boxes came in ammo cans marked for a 160 rounds not 120

Clark Howard
02-20-2017, 06:41
Thanks for the 5rd/10rd correction. I was issued a brown cardboard box of I think, 20 rounds, of brass cased 12 ga. OO buck in 1970 in Vietnam. Can anyone tell me what war or era that ammo came from? I should have kept the box. Regards, Clark

02-21-2017, 11:38
Most likely WW2 the brass shells came in either 25 round boxes or 10 round boxes

02-21-2017, 03:45
XM162 is a VietNam era designation.