View Full Version : 03a3 front band screw

02-21-2017, 07:00
I would like to get a new parkerized screw for the front band/bayonet lug on my 03A3. Where can I find one where the shipping won't exceed the value of the screw X 10? Trying to upgrade the one on the rifle that is a little buggered up.

Richard H Brown Jr
02-22-2017, 09:12

Unless you luck out at a gun show and find one/some there:

https://www.gunpartscorp.com/Products/524660.htm Numrich

http://www.e-sarcoinc.com/03a3bandandhardwaresetcomplete.aspx Sarco Note: Complete set of stock hardware bits

http://www.billricca.com/03_springfield.htm Bill Riccia item y2 I believe.

Best I can do.

R Brown

02-23-2017, 02:09