View Full Version : HP 80 1 308 brass

Matt Anthony
03-13-2017, 12:23
Removed by Matt

03-14-2017, 09:59
Hirtenberger is Austrian not Dutch. Not that it really matters. Bend a paper clip into a feeler to see if the ring goes all the way through.
That .243 die is wrong too. A .243 sizer die is not used on a .308/7.62NATO case. The .243 is a tick longer than .308 too. 2.045" vs 2.015".

Matt Anthony
03-14-2017, 12:23
Should not of replied

S.A. Boggs
03-18-2017, 03:37
As an old reloaded who has converted many cases, why are you taking a risk with cheap brass as opposed to losing a valuable body part? If my die won't accept the case I scrap it immediately and don't risk using it. My dies are Redding and I use a headspace gauge to set my dies. Did you set the headspace according to book, check the neck for acceptable wall thickness, did a case run out, weight check for uniformity after resizing, anneal the neck to acceptable protocol? There is more to it then just converting from one case to another. For example, a commercial 30/06 can be used for 25/06 or 8/mm, not the Jap 7.7.

Matt Anthony
03-22-2017, 11:10
Removed by Matt

S.A. Boggs
03-25-2017, 10:31
Thank you for sharing your opinion. As far as 30/06 brass for the 7.7 I beg to differ with your statement. Soldiers brought back many of these rifles and could not get ammo. Many were shot with fire formed military 30/06 brass to open up the neck due to the larger 7.7 bullet. I remember fire forming them for my dad. What you had to watch for is the slight bulge at end of the case due to the difference in diameters of the cases. We shot it alot back in the late fifties. You could barely notice it. I still have this rifle and had it rebarrelled to 22/250, custom garrett aculite stock and recently replaced the Huber trigger with a Timney. Great varmint rifle!
My information comes directly from General Hatcher's notebook. Just because you can doesn't mean that you should. I have seen too many guys push the envelope just to buy the farm. I am fighting cancer and winning, won't take on anything that might upset my apple cart. I wish you luck and God's speed with your endeavor. :hello:

Matt Anthony
03-25-2017, 04:49
Removed by Matt